Don't feel like your all alone on the East Coast today, we here on the West Coast were battered last night as well.
I took a picture of some of the devastation, if you have a weak stomach please do not look at the attached photo.
by shotgun 12 Replies latest jw friends
Don't feel like your all alone on the East Coast today, we here on the West Coast were battered last night as well.
I took a picture of some of the devastation, if you have a weak stomach please do not look at the attached photo.
That's devastating, I hope you didn't put your back out picking it up, or is it still like that
That's almost biblical. One chair will resist the storm and one will fall.
Shotgun, how do we know the wind and rains knocked over that plastic chair????????Could it have been..........I don't know...........SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Ok finished with the churchlady SNL skit)
Or maybe it was SHOTGUN,,,,,,,,,, I don't know ...........who knocked over the plastic chair!!!!!!!!!
Please notice the distance between the so called fallen chair, to the distance of the person taking the picture and you will see it is the EXACT distance , that a man , namely SHOTGUN, could have easily , put his foot on while not moving in position,,,,,,,,and KICKED that chair over!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I rest my case.
Apparently LyinEyes you have not seen my comment on the Demonized dog thread or you would know Demons run from me, and to clarify I did not knock that chair over it was an act of God.
lol shotgun
Next you'll be taunting us with pix of the spring crocuses!
LOLShotgun.........I havent read the demonized dog thing yet,,,,,I shall be enlightened as to your situation when I do.
Until then,,,,,,,,I did not say demons made you do it,,,,,,,, I said Satan,
I bet yo Mama heard that alot..........."the devil made me do it",,,,,,,when you were a wee BBgun.
I think even Satan could get you to do that vicious crime, to the poor innocent chair. What will the other chairs think of the fallen one? Just think of the gossip and totally humilation suffered by the so called " fallen" chair.
Oh the disgrace this chair will have to go thru.........and what will the picnic table think?
An act of's one for ya,,,,,,,,,,,,Prove there is a God? And why did he want to hurt the chair?
I'm on the west coast also and you have never seen such havoc and chaos!! My hair got blown out of place....Arnold needs to declare this a state of emergency...immediatley!
Actually judging by the distance of the fallen chair, from the adjacent table, it appears to the discerning eye, that said poster, was most likely in a state of inebriation, and mistakenly tilted back, falling to the deck.
Just call me Sherlock.