Have you ever found out that your "buddies" from the kingdom hall went out to have fun and did not invite you? If so how did you feel?
Not Being Invited To Gatherings.
by kennylazo1 35 Replies latest jw friends
Like they weren't really my "buddies" and I should find nicer people to associate with.
JWs have conditional friends so when you stop attending, they stop being your friend or they will only encourage you back, that's the way this cult operates.
This is one of the critical aspects of why many associate with this religion and that is to retain an associating relationship with family members.
Stop going or participating in this cult and people will stay away from you, its a controlling mechanism orchestrated and devised by the WTS. to more or less retain its subservient paying and laboring members.
The WTS mind fucks people in many ways and that's why it is a corrupt devious cult.
Amelia Ashton
Our KH was very cliquey. Us singles Mums never expected to be invited anywhere by the higher echelons of the congregation.
About once a month I used to hold a Friday get together to watch a video and obviously children were welcome and it was suitable for them.
I got counselled because no marrieds were ever there and I shouldn't be holding singles only get togethers. The marrieds were welcome too but were always busy, the singles who were never invited anywhere were always free.
Another time there was a party for the children but the kids of the single parents weren't included because they couldn't invite all the children. 38 children in the congregation but the only 4 not invited were from single mums. They had room for 34 but not 38!
Once there was a barbeque. 120 in the congregation but only space for 100. Yeah right!
Apostate Anonymous
There's no way to sugar coat it, it sucks. Nothing hurts more than feeling like you are left out. Especially by people that you consider a "friend" or "buddy." I experienced this heavily during my early teens when I was still "in" because my family was considered bad association due to my brother getting into some legal trouble. My so called "buddies" in the hall stopped talking to me and ceased to invite me to gatherings. All because of something that was beyond my control. It was at that point that I realized that it wasn't really a friendship. It was all conditional.
This was honestly the biggest eye opener of my life and the catalyst for me leaving the organization right before I was about to get baptized. And thank goodness for that!
Wasanelder Once
If you don't have something they want, they don't want you.
Finally Left
We did not receive many invitations, however my husband was always inviting someone over our house for dinner. It was really a lot of work for me and of course they never in turn invite you to their house.
I will never forget - we were invited over for dinner! Couldn't believe it. However, they received a phone call while we were there from another couple in the Hall and we were asked to leave, they had a better offer!! I would never do that to someone. It shows their lack of manners and did not care about our feelings.
I will never forget - we were invited over for dinner! Couldn't believe it. However, they received a phone call while we were there from another couple in the Hall and we were asked to leave, they had a better offer!! I would never do that to someone. It shows their lack of manners and did not care about our feelings.
Wow, that's low even for JW standards...
JWS on many times are cruel and apathetic, they're too busy being arrogant and self righteous to think otherwise.
That's religious cults folks, take or leave it.
This happened to me all the time. It hurt and this is one of the things that led to my eventual exit from the Borg.