Do Any JW's Still Use/Trust the Reasoning Book?

by The Fall Guy 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Pale Emperor;

    ''Perhaps a new book in the pipeline (released electronically of course).''

    Or invisibly maybe.

  • jaydee

    All 3 versions say the same thing.





  • smiddy3

    If Jehovah`s Witnesses really did reason from the Scriptures they would realize That:

    1.That the name Jehovah does not appear in the Christian Greek Scriptures at all. "The kingdom Interlinear Of The Christian Greek Scriptures" published by WTB&TS.

    2.Nowhere in the New Testament / Christian Greek Scriptures are Christians instructed to be witnesses of Jehovah whereas they are continually being told to bear witness about Jesus Christ.

    3.Phil.2:10 Clearly states that Jesus and his Kingdom is the one to be acknowledged and witnessed to throughout the earth by Christians.

    4.Charles Taze Russell / I.B.S.A. recognized this that is why his signature publication was titled " Zions WatchTower and Herald Of Christs Presence" contrast to the latter day Jehovah`s Witnesses / Joseph F Rutherford "The WatchTower Announcing Jehovah`s Kingdom"

    5.Nowhere in the New Testament /Christian Greek Scriptures are Christians instructed to witness about "Jehovah`s Kingdom" ,in fact the term/phrase does not appear in the Christian Greek Scriptures / N.T. at all.

    6.Not only do the Governing Body of Jehovah`s Witnesses re-write and change / falsify their own early history they apparently have no qualms about re-writing and change / falsify the Bible to fit their own agenda / doctrines.

  • Vidiot
    smiddy - "Not only do the Governing Body of Jehovah`s Witnesses re-write and change / falsify their own early history they apparently have no qualms about re-writing and change / falsify the Bible to fit their own agenda / doctrines."

    Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...

    ...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.

  • EverApostate

    When I was new in the cult, I was so proud of this reasoning book as a Roman soldier would have been with his new honed sword.

    Time makes everything funny.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Good one smiddy3...Oh, how times have changed!

    Then: "Zions WatchTower and Herald Of Christs Presence"

    Now: "The WatchTower Announcing Jehovah`s Kingdom"

  • dogisgod

    Most of my cong had their NWT rebound with the Reasoning book.

  • sir82

    Then: "Zions WatchTower and Herald Of Christs Presence"

    Now: "The WatchTower Announcing Jehovah`s Kingdom"

    Within the next 5 years: "JW.snorg: The website praising the governing body"

  • NewYork44M

    I don't recall anyone ever using the publication at the doors in my history of preaching. Given the fact that is all the witnesses do now is stand next to a cart and playing candy crush, I suspect the answer is never.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Witnesses no longer reason from the scriptures anyway. When standing next to a cart, if any questions are asked, they point persons to

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