I just realized somethign about the WT and UN and France

by dustyb 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celia
    Okay, the French dislike the United States. . . . . . . . . . France dislikes the US . . . .

    Who is France ? Do you know all French people living in France ? Do you know any French person living in France who absolutely dislikes the United States ?

    I remember last year, when France wasn't agreeing with Bush's decision to go to war in Iraq, I was asked by a clerk in a store where I was from (because of my accent I presume...) and when I said France, she got all excited and started to tell me, well, the French don't seem to like us very much.... Jerk! What does not agreeing with the Bush administration have to do with liking or not liking American folks ?

  • shotgun

    Dusty I have to ask this pertinent question....Is that you in your avatar

  • dustyb

    lol shotgun, no thats not me. i actually tried changing it to another freak, but it hasn't taken effect yet.

    and when i speak of france, i don't speak of the people, but of the government.

  • shotgun

    Dusty does your mom and dad know your placing pictures of them on apostate discussion boards?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I think the French government's hard-line vis-a-vis the JWs is because it's perceptive enough to see that peddling books or even distributing them w/o a set fee but still accepting donations is hardly charity at all, let alone one deserving of the same status as organizations who operate hospitals, orphanages, feed the poor or shelter the homeless and disenfranchised.

  • gitasatsangha

    I'm sorry you had to deal with that Celia. Anymore I look around America and I don't know my own country anymore. It's filled with frightened men and women who hide their own cowardice from themselves with hollow belligerence.

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