XJW's and Mental Health Disorders

by ColdRedRain 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyber-sista

    Zoloft, Klonopin, Elavil, Paxell, Pamelor and of course Prozac and the list goes on and on?One of the things I noticed after I had been a JW for several years was what a vast was knowledge I had on antidepressant and other psychiatric medications, their many properties, uses, etc-- I have no medical training nor am I a pharmacist, nor have I been on a course of them myself, but I know a lot about them. I guess this was a part of my WT training. I knew so many JWs over the years who were using these drugs. The sisters talked about their medications a lot and seemed like I was always talking with one of them about what was going on with their medications--and the problems they were having with their medications, or how they had just switched to this or that medication and how it was helping, or not helping with their problem. I think there are a lot of JWs who need medication to cope with the many pressures of being a JW?especially that feeling that you could never do enough and you are exhausted in what you are already doing to keep up with your everyday life?work, family, problems, along with the meetings, service and the whole study regime, along with the constant feeling of guilt about everything ?it is just too much for some to bear. This was especially hard on those who were already physically or mentally not very sturdy and this constant badgering to do more or to better in some way or another was a strain on everyone. I often wondered what percentage of them was on medication in comparison to the national average.

    PS. I got to the point where I would've had to medicate myself to remain in the Org. I decided to take the non-medication route which was to leave...

    PS'S..to clarify...I am not opposed to anyone being on medications--I have used these myself in times of crisis and know of many others who are in need of drug treatment because of genetic mental health conditons/dealing with alcoholism, etc. But I am opposed to a high pressure religious organization, which causes causes so much pain and suffering that some are forced to medicate themselves for this reason alone.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Its true, in Puerto Rico so many witnesses suffer from depression and are on all sorts of medications. I can't understand to the life of me how anyone can say they have the "truth" and then need mental medications. Shouldn't haven't a deep rooted belief that you know something that no one else knows keep your mind in a state of complete happiness and self fulfillment?

    I on the other hand still have the same symptoms that i listed above?

    Are these symptoms of mental illness?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Let's see... an incessant diet of ``we're right even when we're wrong;" ``people will die if you don't do more;" and ``if you're not right in the head, it's your fault; straighten yourself out by knocking on more doors and coming here to learn what you're doing wrong five times a week" couldn't possibily contribute to neurosis, could it?

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