Quizno's Sub commercial: "We love the subs!"

by Freddy Krueger 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    O.k. This was mentioned on another thread briefly. But I had to do it! This needs it's own thread. I want someone to tell me what the hell these things are? And is it just me or does this freak you out too? I mean the music, those squeeky voices. Why would you even buy a sub from here after seeing this.

    And now for your viewing pleasure if you haven't seen it - Click here: Don't forget to press play.

    Please your thoughts on this. Even though I am freaked by this, now that I watch it again I can't help but LMAO!


  • Scully

    They are called "sponge monkeys".

    You can find them at www.rathergood.com

    They also sing "We Like the Moon" http://www.rathergood.com/moon_song/


  • shotgun

    Leave it to a nurse to know sponges...

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    I can't explain why.... but I like it!

  • Scully

    hey shotgun

    can I interest you in about 3 feet of snow? I know you don't have nearly enough... I'm willing to share!

  • dannyboy


    Thanks for the links and info....had no idea who these Quizno's "guys" really were.......


  • freedom96

    These commercials have got to be the worst ever made.

    Never has a commercial bugged me like this. It is unwatchable.

  • joannadandy

    Thank you Scully!!

    I saw the "We Like the Moon" thing before, but I couldn't remember what it was called or where I saw it, but when I saw the Quizno's Subs I recognized them right away...I dunno the first time I saw "We Like the Moon" I was like, "what the hell?!" But it quickly grew on me...frankly I think the commercials rock and I constantly sing them in my car (this might be why I am single). I like quirky stupid stuff tho.

  • dannyboy


    If you like the SpongMonkeys you are so cool.


  • maxwell

    I tried a Quizno's sub once, and I didn't like it. I think perhaps they made it with too many onions drenched in too much of whatever that wet runny condiment they used. I was thinking of trying Quizno's again one day, because perhaps I simply chose the wrong type of sub for myself on that day. Maybe I'll like one of their other subs.

    But that commercial certainly isn't going to hurry me up in doing the retry. I think the commercial is kind of cool in a weird creature sort of way, but they look like a genetic experiment gone bad...Rats with a bad set of human teeth. It's not exactly what I want to be thinking about when I eat a sub.

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