omg I am going to being singing "I got the wrong banana's" all day today
by pr_capone 15 Replies latest jw friends
omg I am going to being singing "I got the wrong banana's" all day today
LOL Sirius!
I was singing it all last night...
Here, maybe this one will help get that one out of your head...
I got the wrong banana's!
Nope didn't help, it's still in my head. Any other cures?
You could play monkey invaders...
This one is for Valis...heddgies singing about one of his favorite body parts...
arg! ok, now I have "Ohh baby I'm singing about your axe-wound" in my head!!
Alright! What's all this monkeying around? Don't make me pull the short bus over!
District Overbeer