An Apostofest called.."Guess who I Am"

by gumby 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Gumby, it's a great idea. Would be a lot of fun. But so many folks have posted their pictures; still, there are many who haven't.

    To ferret out certain fellows, I would probably look for smug, superior, argumentative, divisive men, and probably wouldn't find them - it might be a situation like happened with the Apostle Paul - he was quite different in person than he appeared in print.

    Then I would especially seek you out, and would find a likeable guy in the middle of a crowd, happy, having fun together, all being considered equal as people, no one extolling the exceptional virtues of a very few individuals as if all the others were soooo inferior and not worth bothering with.

    Then I would easily identify all the ladies, and have a good time.

  • Sassy

    I already know that I would not be able to guess who is who when they haven't used their real pics for avatars. I have had jobs where I deal with vendors on the phone and over time I have gotten to know contacts very well. Heard their voice, got to know their personalities, joked and laughed with them...... but time and time again, the visualization I had in my head of what I thought they looked like was NOTHING like what in fact they really looked like. So I try if I can NOT to guess who is who.. I wait for someone to tell me ..

  • minimus

    I purposely would ask no questions and sit depressed in a corner.

  • xenawarrior

    gumby- you immature dipshit !!

  • gumby



  • Sassy
    I purposely would ask no questions and sit depressed in a corner.

    I am pretty sure that would be impossible for you minimus..

    you have a trademark.. those are hard to break

  • drwtsn32

    No one ever guesses who I am at apostafests cause I always forget to wear my red overalls.

  • xenawarrior

    yeah dr- but the football shaped head gives you away every time !!

  • drwtsn32

    LOL XW... so true...

  • minimus

    Sassy, in real life, I don't question anyone.

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