There must have been.....

by Purple 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Purple

    At least one act of kindness when you were active. I mean I have been sitting here reading threads. Some are very depressing infact about the lack of love, acceptance, socialbility and such. I am also sitting here trying to think of some positive experiences but can't think of all that many. Surely the 10 years I was involved there must have been some positive experiences, some laughter but for the life of me I cant recall any. What about you?? Can you think of any positive expereinces whilst active?? Something nice must of happened surely??????

  • Sassy

    There was for me. Oh many things. I know many good people who are JWs. When I had my house put in a number of years back, half the congregation was there helping me put in forms to pour a cement foundation for my home. We had short notice on when the cement would arrive and were there at midnight in the rain putting in the forms. The next day they were right back there helping out.. they knew money was tight and I just couldn't afford to pay to have all the labor done and lovingly and willingly they were there for me.

    I don't forget those things.. even if unloving things hurt me for other reasons.

  • Hunyadi

    The best time I had as a kid sitting in the KH was sitting with my cousins and drawing gapped teeth on the faces of characters in the mags and books, with bubbles over there heads saying silly things to eachother. It was a temporary release from the solomn crap. We would simply laugh our asses off silently, shaking like jello in our seats, until mom or aunt esther would threaten us with beatings, lol.

    Mostly, I was just constantly afraid to be myself around the JW's. I never really laughed or had much of a good time around the witnesses, unless it was an unsanctioned youth party at someone's house. I had a best friend, James, and we would hang out alot. He was awsome, and while he is inactive for years now, he still can't bring himself to talk to me or even have a scotch with me which is both our fav cocktail. So sad.

    All I remember about being a Witness was the anger and the fear of rejection and being alone if I ever strayed. Since I did stray, I have never had better or more real relationships with people. I found real love and warmth in my wife and my life as an XJW.


  • dustyb

    i've had some good experiences too. one elder is forever my friend because he's helped my mom through some of her hardest times she's had with my father....he's a good guy and just tries to do what is right for the most part. i guess thats why i'm about to present him w/ some facts, whether he wants to read them or not....

  • DanTheMan

    I fell into a deep depression in the Spring of 2001, almost had a nervous breakdown, and there was one elder that did try to reach out to me, but of course his solution to every problem was to "do more" so he really wasn't much help.

  • Hapgood

    I had major surgery and every day for about a week different sisters took turns bringing meals over to my house. I was so grateful, my poor hubby can't cook at all.

    When my Dad died, he was not a JW. Many brothers and sisters came to the viewing to give me support. Some brought over meals for my family members (also none JW's), which was a blessing, we had many family members from out-of-town.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    I used to enjoy talking to the friends whenever I went out in service, either in the car group or standing on the corner, "re-grouping." That was nice.

  • gitasatsangha

    Throwing wadded up wet paper towels onto singers hundreds of feet below from the abandoned top rows of a concention center during the assembly..yes.. there are many fond memories...

  • simplesally

    Different brothers and sisters helped me move over the years. I met many some people like Sassy and Sixy and notperfectyet who were all active jw's at one hint of any of us leaving or becoming inactive at that time.

  • minimus

    Once I was offered gas money because I ALWAYS drove my car out in service. Of course I didn't take it but I did get that offer.


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