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Altered Artwork in WT
by Hunyadi 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Looks like a positive ID on Antisthenes. The second guy definitely looks like a statue. Most likely the artist modeled the Athenian faces directly on ancient busts to get an "authentic look" (which imho is totally understandable tho lacking a little in originality), but for whatever reason the powers that be got them airbrushed out. I personally think they look awful, too much like statues and fitting uncomfortably in the setting. The newer picture looks better overall.
Damn... impressive catch... but a bit obsessive compulsive.
That is impressive, and at the same time Creepy. I hope this information is catalogued along with all the other oddities of JW artwork.
Wasn't he supposed to be preaching to a crowd or to the council of Areopogus ?
I've seen more people stood at a bus stop
I always love these things, Hunyadi - and have you already commented on the many faces in the water in the inside back cover of the Insight Volume I, especially the trolly-looking one on the lower right?
(The picture in your post identifies this as coming from the Insight Vol. II, which is correct; you just made a little boo-boo at the top, calling it Insight Vol. I. But because of this, I looked at Insight Volume I as well. Take a look for me please.)
Klaus Vollmer
hunyadi, thanks for the explannations. Me too is looking for hidden pictures and I know there are many within the printed matters of WTS.
One of the philosophers you have signed - the guy right in the rear seems to be Pythagoras of Samos. This man live about 570-480 bc and believed in reincarnation and soulwandering.
The latest wt we studied on sunday has a picture with rocks, there you can see some giants sleeping in the formation.
ugly and unbelievable that WTS is producing such sucking material
I always love these things, Hunyadi - and have you already commented on the many faces in the water in the inside back cover of the Insight Volume I, especially the trolly-looking one on the lower right?
I have looked over the artwork in that volume, but really can't see anything remarkable . . . but you never know.
(The picture in your post identifies this as coming from the Insight Vol. II, which is correct; you just made a little boo-boo at the top, calling it Insight Vol. I. But because of this, I looked at Insight Volume I as well. Take a look for me please.)
Thanks for the correction.
Me too is looking for hidden pictures and I know there are many within the printed matters of WTS.
I have quite a few more that I can't show on my site because the hidden images do not show up clearly on the scan.
Damn... impressive catch... but a bit obsessive compulsive
Ha ha, I know. It has become more of a hobby now. I have become a bit more focussed on the other issues I have been reading about on this board. Some of you folks are the greatest and I am glad to be out with the rest of you fine peeps.