Old Habits Die Hard

by COMF 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    Ah, yes, my old bookbag....
    Hmm, the last I saw of mine, my daughter had emptied it and was wearing it on her head as a helmet of some kind...I even let her keep the money she found in it


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • Englishman

    We just called it our "magazine bag".

    I did once earn some money going door to door selling cleaning materials, for which I toted around a similar bag.

    More than once I knocked at the door and said: "Good morning. I'm just making a brief call on you and your neighbours in the area, introducing people of good will to our 2 latest er, er, cans of spray polish umm for a small contribution of umm burble burble etc.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • joelbear

    I loved my bookbag. I named it Billy. Billy the Book bag.

    It has a latch that would come loose easily so i could just kind of jostle it up and down and it would come open allowing me easy access to Bible and other witness paraphenalia.

    The kids loved it.

    At meetings I would make it talk in a Charlie McCarthyesque fashion. Hey, after 2 hours of dull, I could get quite an audience.



  • Seeker

    I had a funny experience with my book bag as a teen: it was one of those bags with two latches, but I always kept it closed with only one latch to make it easy to open at the door.

    I get to this one door and the middle-aged lady opens the door with her small dog in her arms. The dog sees me and begins an incessant, and high-pitched barking (as some excitable small dogs are wont to do). Since the lady was holding this dog in her arms, these barks were emanating just inches from my ear. Needless to say, I found it a bit distracting to talk over the din.

    As I was talking, my one latch gave way (must not have been fully tightened), and the case opened up as I was holding it by my side. The results were comical, as everything in my case exploded all over the front step. For a moment I just stood there, mortified, while the dog kept yapping at me. Finally, not knowing what to do, I began to pick up my belongings while I said the only thing I could think to say: "If you think that's something, wait till you see Act Two!"

    Ah, bookbags...

  • safe4kids

    Great story Seeker...and great comeback!

    I had to use my bookbag as a defense once...my cousin and I were working together (I was about 13 or so at the time) and a householder sicced her dogs on us. My cousin took off, she was terrified of dogs, but I turned and prepared to give them all a good whack with the bag...when the woman saw this, she frantically began calling her dogs back. They were all little yappers; I'm sure I could have gotten a few of them airborn but, alas, I was robbed of the opportunity at the last minute...

    Dana (realizing there are actually a FEW good memories of service...)

    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • Seeker


    I got bit by a dog once in service. Little sneak hide behind his master's leg while I gave my presentation. Soon as I turned around to leave, he darted out, bit my leg, and ran back inside.

    It's too bad. If he had stuck it out, I would have drop-kicked the little bugger.

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