Amateur Organized Crime (In the organization.)

by The Grudge 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The Grudge
    The Grudge

    A memory was triggered in my head the other day that I hadn't thought about since I was an active JW...

    In the early to mid nineties (I would have been about 14 or so) I remember a situation that was going on with someone I know (details cut to remain anonymous) and her JW friends. This person involved would have been about 17-18 and her "friends" or people she hung out with ranged from 16-21. They were a group of kids that went to meetings, in service, and were considered somewhat exemplary. Most of them came from what were considered ?strong? families as well. This group Im referring to were spread out within a 50-100 mile span, and probably came from up to fifteen different congregations. Well, apparently someone in this group decided one day that they were going to start an underground JW gang. I guess you could call it a JW mafia. Yeah, pretty ridiculous sounding but I'm not BSing here. Anyway, these kids would have wild parties, use drugs, have orgies, carry firearms ,etc. The person that related this story to me was not directly involved, in fact she was one of the people that turned them in to the elders. She told me about the time when they let her in on their little secret. Apparently they thought she'd be" in",but they were mistaken. This happened when she was on a road trip with the head guy (I guess you'd call him that) and a couple friends, one who was her supposed best friends at the time. She told me that in one way or another she realized that some of them were getting high and it turned out that there was a massive amount of weed in the trunk and a couple of hand guns. (HMMM. Sounds like a good time to me.) As the story went on they apparently asked her if she wanted to be a part of their gang. When she seemed reluctant to join ,they told her that they?d kill her or anyone involved in turning them in to the elders or police. Well ,she turned them into the elders soon after, with a few other friends that knew about them. Everyone got turned in to the elders. No one went to jail that I know of. All or most were dfed. No one got killed or murdered. To my knowledge, 1/4 of that group involved are still witnesses now reinstated in their late 20s.The others remained dfed and never came back.

    Interesting huh? Organized sinning/crime within the Organization. We all know about "double lives " with JW's but its not usually this thought out .Anybody here ever hear of anything like this going on?

    On one hand I?m glad that half of these people remained dfed ,and never came back. I?m really curious to know how there lives turned out. Hopefully they straightened themselves out were crime is concerned and educated themselves about JW lies , but it makes you wander what the hell they were thinking in the first place. What kind of mind frame is this? If you want to live that kind of life why pretend your a JW in the first place. It obviously wasn?t any kind of protection for them to carry on organized crime in this way. I know when your young you can be stupid in a lot of ways but this seems a little over the edge. Well, I just thought that was veeeeery interesting to say the least.

  • Nosferatu

    The only thing I've heard about that is similar to this was JW raves (which someone posted on here a while back). However, this doesn't surprise me.

  • gitasatsangha

    Damn. I thought the Mellaleuca and Amway Jdubs were lousy. Jehovah's Crips!?

  • sf


    Where EXACTLY was/ is this going on?

    A group of young jws lived directly across the street from me about 18 months ago. All of these things you mentioned above were taking place; as I WITNESSED much of it (except, I have no idea if there were any weapons there).

    Not long after a wedding for my nephew, who hired a jw dj, THAT WAS THE DJ FOR THE PARTIES ACROSS THE STREET, did they figure out they were living across the street from a "nasty apostate"...they moved in record time.

    If I had owned a video camera, I would have documented much of what I was WITNESSING. I still regret not documenting any of it. It would have caused quite the uproar here in my town.

    I've thought of visiting the kh's in my area to see which hall they attend. But they would peg me. And there's no telling how they might react to my 'survellience' of them by actually walking into their kh. But damn, it sure would be intoxicating to SEE.


  • Maverick

    Why that's nothing! There is a large group of JW's that have secret meetings and commit crimes on an international scale. And people do get killed as a result of the con jobs they pull off. They steal from the honest hearted and lie and hide their ill gotten gains from everyone including the lawful governments! They do not pay taxes on the land they own but use the public services at the communities expense. They sell phoney "god insurance" knowing full well they will never pay any claims! They send out agents all over the world to set up criminal networks to enslave the local population and take what little these poor people have. And if anyone opposes them they use smear tactics, lies, and peer pressure to intimidate these ones into submission! And they call themselves God's spokesmen! Maverick... Too bad it is the wrong god they speak for!

  • dustyb

    we never had any big, organized fancy thing here. all the adults did here was watch star trek and such, then preach against doing it in meetings. it was still ridiculous because all of them were like hey, stay away from evil and demonized things, but they still watched that type of show....pitiful it seems now. what a bunch of rodents =P

    i do remember a weed dealer though that was a Jehovah's Witness.

  • The Grudge
    The Grudge


    I could give you the location by pm, but I?m sure its not the same case, since this happened a while back in the early nineties.

    I think stuff like, underage drinking, partying, sex, and even smoking weed has gone on here and there with witness teens. This is the first case I?ve ever heard of it being organized like this ,though. From what I?ve seen an experienced it seems that a lot of them start w/underage drinking, or if they are dating it can be sex. I know at least 4 baptized witnesses who are in ?good standing? now who even smoke weed on a regular basis and attend meetings regularly.These aren't even teens anymore. I even tried to talk to one of these guys once, hinting around so as not to come off as the A word, thinking that he must share some xjw views. Nope ,he still thinks its the ?truth? and says he?ll quit pot eventually.

    On another note,although off topic,I know one guy about 19, who was da'd,but now is going back to the meetings trying to get reinstated.He actually told me that the reason hes going back is because of weed and other drugs. He says it really cleared up things in his mind. Hmmm, I guess that explains why he sounds so braindead.Thinking about it though, Jws are already paranoid,weed would only makes it worse.Deffenately not the best thing for a confused ex Jw. It could lead them straight back to where they came from I suppose. Good thing Im not confused.

    Oh and Maverick,Im with you 100% on your comment and thats why Im out.I guess this is crime within crime. After all, I titled it "Amateur". The WT are pros.


  • undercover

    New on HBO: The Soprioneers

  • The Grudge
    The Grudge
    New on HBO: The Soprioneers

    HAHA..Hey Now,don't try to rip off my story.I can probably at leist get a a made for tv movie deal from this story. I had better copywrite this baby.

  • Eyebrow2

    when I was a teenager there was a group of so called good kids that were all having sex, doing drug, smoking yadda..yadda..yadda.

    I guess you could call in organised sinning..but they were just being teenagers...they were quite the butt holes though, treated me a the other actually good jw kids like dirt. And of course the parents did realize until everything hit the fan when somebody stumbled on a couple of them going at it hot and heavy

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