Would you place maggots on an open wound?

by Elsewhere 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stefanie

    I know I just started my lunch. Anyways yea I would do it if it meant keeping my skin.

    I think Fear Factor is grosser than Survivior though I dont think I would make it on either.

  • gitasatsangha


  • Elsewhere

    lol @ six!

    You have a good point... I didn't even think of it that way!

  • LittleToe

    Before any more detractors jump aboard - it works.
    The idea is horrible, but there is no discomfort, and they are covered with enough dressings to hide their presence.

    The maggots only touch the dead flesh, and once that is gone healing can begin in earnest.
    They are raised in a sterile environment, and disposed of, after they have done their duty.

    It's really far less unappealing that using maggots when angling (fishing).

    (LT, who has had to assist nurses in the course of their ulcer work)

    Now then - what's this about Elders and rape cases???

  • gitasatsangha


    Just having some fun with that. Do people undergoing this treatment feel the maggots wiggling around? I think that would probably be the worst aspect of it.. this sensation and knowledge that you were being, to a degree, eaten alive.

  • ScoobySnax

    I do often for the vascular patients we have in. Placing the maggots on the necrotic/gangrenous areas of the wound is the easy bit. Removing them a few days later is the tricky bit! And my do they grow into fat little buggers!

    Its an excellent therapy and produces good results.

  • SpunkyChick

    I think I would do it if nothing else worked....and if so, I couldn't watch them wiggling around. That is too gross.

  • Poztate

    When thinking about this as a possible therapy we must consider the bibles viewpoint.Will our maggots ONLY consume flesh or is there a chance that some BLOOD may also be consumed. To keep ourselves free from blood guilt and to also keep the maggots free from blood guilt I know that your "bible trained concience" will reject this demonic snare for Jehovah's people.

    We all look with longing to the fast approaching,imminent, on the threshold and not forgetting SOON new order when all maggots,leaches,mosquitoes etc will go back to sucking nectar as God's purpose was in the beginning.

    Remember also that the leg you lost because of taking"a firm stand for the truth" will regrow and you and the maggots will live for ever and ever in that paradise earth so close at hand.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    In addition to consuming the dead flesh, the maggots also consume the infectious bacteria.

    ...and it is not as though they get the maggots by scaping them out of a pile of dog crap - the maggots are bred in a laboratory and are sterile. Once the necrotic tissue is removed, so are the maggots.

    Yeah, the thought of maggots crawling through my open wound might be a little repulsive, but I'd do it.

    As for pennicillin - no one associates it with the blue-green mold on bread or oranges when they think of popping that little white pill, but that mold is where it comes from.

  • Elsewhere
    As for pennicillin - no one associates it with the blue-green mold on bread or oranges when they think of popping that little white pill, but that mold is where it comes from.

    Good point!

    lol... just the other day I was watching the Beverly Hill Billies and someone suggested to Granny that she try using Penicillin in her "medical" practice. She asked him what it was and he told her about it coming from mold. Granny got all excited and told him he needs to leave all that crack-pot nonsense out of the medical field!

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