Let's try this one..
Who goes to college?
What college do you attend?
What subjest are you taking?
Fave/Least Fave subject?
District Overbeer
by Valis 12 Replies latest jw friends
Let's try this one..
Who goes to college?
What college do you attend?
What subjest are you taking?
Fave/Least Fave subject?
District Overbeer
school of hard knocks
did u get my message?
Arizona State University
Grad student in environmental anthropology, husband a grad student in biology/ecology. as a matter of fact, I have a poster to go present in just a bit, I should get ready...
As a grad student, I only take classes in my field, but I will say that the current bane of my existence is my Cultural and Political Ecology class...Several hundreds of pages of reading per week!
I attend Texas Wesleyan a fine Methodist University here in Texas (never would have done that as a dub)
Right now I'm taking Ecommerce, Accounting Information Systems, Calculus, and Accounting Independent Study
Worst subject - definitely calculus..... I just don't think that way
Shippensburg State University
History B.S.E.D.
Soon to be a teacher, hopefully a college professor or state senator one day
I like all of the subjects, intellectual honesty is what I like best. If I had the time, I would go to school forever. If I wan't to know something, I simply ask.
Ironic part, now that I'm older, all my schooling is paid for, maybe the WT had my best interests in mind after all. Sure, it's fun going to school full time while working 40 hours a week and raising a family but thank goodness I didn't do something crazy like go to college right out of high school. Thanks WT.
Missouri Southern State University
Majoring in political science to be a lawyer, but i'll probably change my major because lawyers don't have enough time to do dick...
thanks for the answers everyone..
District Overbeer
University of Maine at Augusta.......Go Moose!
In my final semester of studying for a degree in Business Administration. I only have one class left, which is Entrepreneurship. My favorite subject is anything business related, while my most hated classes were Algebra I and II.
I also work here part time as a writing tutor (believe it or not, I can be a virtuoso of the English language when I choose,) and administering placement exams for prospective students.
If anyone out there is wondering if they should take classes or not, please go check out your local colleges ASAP; you'd be amazed at how easy it is to enroll, and how much fun you'll have.
Insomniac...ever been to Vinalhaven? My room mate is from there and he also owns Postato Island..
District Overbeer
Valis-Sorry, no. I'm embarrased to admit, I'm not sure where Vinalhaven is, exactly. Downeast? I'm on the coast, between Wiscasset and Portland. I picked this town for it's proximity to Moody's Diner (lol!).