Convention Apostatizing Brings Gestapo Response

by outnfree 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • hippikon

    Its kinder like Religious green peace ā€“ Couple of years ago I would have thought you were a nutter but next year Iā€™d like to help. The information you gathered on the methods they used to stop you is vital.

    I CAN NOT believe these guys had the hide to block your car!!

    Me to ā€“ But I drive an old bomb and would have driven into them if the tried to cut me of.

    "But it does move"

  • BugEye


    It probably wasnt funny to you at the time, but ROFLOL.

    And if your ever in Australia and want to do the same sort of thing, PLEASE oh lordy lordy PLEASE invite me.

    I would love to practice some retaliatory intimidation. (gotta get my kicks somehow )


  • COMF

    Outnfree, I am soooooooooooooooo impressed with you! Wow, talk about a kick-butt kind of woman! Woohoo!

    Next year, get permission to post. If there's a fee, I'll kick in for it. Just let me know.


  • Frenchy

    Out: It took a lot of courage and tenacity to do what you did. I don't see this as any more outrageous than witnesses handing out hand bills in front of churches as was practiced (and is still bragged about at times) in the past.
    I believe if I were the convention overseer I would have approached you and very tactfully asked you not to post the signs on the poles on the convention grounds themselves. The way that this whole thing was handled is quite believeable to ones who are aware of how they react to something like this. Being a man I would have reacted slighly different when they blocked me off but you did the right thing, especially with your son there with you.
    I don't think you were ever in any real physical danger but there is always the ocassional kook!

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • think41self


    You go girl! I wanna be just like you when I grow up.

    If even one person gets the point of what you were trying to do, it was worth it. And I agree with everyone, next time, video camera.

    As for the "brothers" blocking your car, OMG, they should be glad you had your son with you, or I'm sure you could have thought of something. Talk about Gestapo techniques.

    You did good, sweetie.


  • outnfree

    Thank you all for your kind words of support!

    Bug Eye? I had a blast! I am just one person. You can DO this!!!

    Flip and Francois?

    Indeed, the flyers, etc. were MY agenda completely. My children knew of it -- I have 4 -- and only one volunteered to come help me. My son. They all know of silentlambs website though and what it's meant to combat.

    On Sunday morning, I woke him early as we wanted to get there in plenty of time to post in those inaccessible places I mentioned -- no parking on the streets and not many parking lots nearby. He hemmed and hawed and finally admitted that he was scared to go with me.

    (In my original plan, I had thought to actually go into the parking lot, park near a main entrance, and not put up my signs until critical traffic mass had arrived and even should the attendants want me to move and go away, I wouldn't be able to leave easily -- thus maximizing the ad's exposure. All the children knew of this, and knew I was prepared to resist the brother's direction until the police arrived, when I would allow myself to be talked into going peacefully rather than be arrested. So he "understood the implications.")

    Because he was scared, I let him off the hook and went on myself to do more of what I had done the day before. No recrimination. I was to return home at 11:00 to take him to his soccer final.

    Well, the game time got changed and when he called me at 10:45 to tell me so, I asked him if he would change his mind and not help me with the rest of the flyers in those hard to reach spots so that they could be up before lunch. He agreed.

    You all know the rest.

    What you don't know is that after I returned from the "school tour" and saw Brother Blueshirt in that left turn lane, I phoned home to tell my son about it and to tell him that the brother had still missed some of our strategically placed flyers. So he should be proud!

    He wanted me to come home and let him come ride around with me for the exit crowd, but, unfortunately, it was too late.

    (My son NEVER begged me to come home to take him out in FIELD SERVICE! )

    And when the attendants pulled me over, he -- yelled -- "It's freedom of speech, freedom of speech!"

    Oh, it WAS an adventure! And a lesson in standing up for what you believe in!


    I agree. I thought of that parallel, too! In fact, at one point when standing on the street corner waiting to cross with a bunch of Witnesses, I was humming "Move Ahead, Move Ahead in your ministry!" and getting smiles all around! LOL

    For those concerned for my safety,

    Yes, I DID recognize that there were risks from some misguided zealot.
    However, if I didn't mention this before: I had my cell phone dangling from my wrist, my car keys (with remote panic button) in my hand each and every time I got out of my car. PLUS, my car is a lease vehicle, leased to a huge corporation, and thus not traceable to my home. I felt reasonably secure.


  • Tina

    WTG!! I'm gonna use your idea next yr. Wow,you rock! luv,Tina

  • esther

    Out, I remember the attendants removing flyers that had been placed under windscreen wipers during one DC. I asked one of them why they bothered to do that, because I thought that we could all remove them for ourselves. They said it was because some of the newer ones might be stumbled. I didn't give it any more thought, because, although I would have read the flyer, I did not expect it to be either revealing or truthful. Now I know why the society is so insistent on the removal. It is because any JWs reading it might find out the real truth.


  • ZazuWitts


    First of all, please give your special son a BIG hug and thank you from all of us! Whew, I bet he was scared, can't blame him, but he sure came through for you - rah, rah.

    Thanks for relating your experience(s) - it certainly has been inspiring. :):)
    And, exciting, too!!!
    If you do this again, and get your permit, perhaps you can put "posted by legal permit" somewhere along the bottom of the flyer - then you could point this out to any of the Borg's goons, if they try to remove them.

    Frenchy, yes, I remember many in our congregation relating with their own brand of 'glee' as to standing in front of various churches, passing out handbills. Also, the old-timers gleefuly telling of the 'cane wars' at Madison Square Garden, during Rutherford's 'battles' with Father Coughlin, a Catholic priest who was very anti-JW's and old Joe Rutherford.

    Your idea of putting a notice on public access tv is teriffic - I'm going to check into it, thanks.

  • LovesDubs

    This is GREAT!!! Bravo!!! Next year have your son stand on a mini ladder putting the signs out of reach of anyone on foot! They wont be able to reach them to GET them down and it would make GREAT VIDEO!! What a hoot! You got balls babe you really do! Yea and the thing said nothing bad about them...must be they feel GUILTY EH???

    I love it!

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