What's your status....relationship wise?

by Maverick 81 Replies latest social relationships

  • gwyneth

    That's me, exactly...broke up with my significant other two years ago after eight years together, but he is still my best friend. Technically single--not looking too hard, but wouldn't turn down an opportunity to date someone else if one came up.

  • Insomniac

    Never married, but my partner and I just celebrated our 5th year of togetherness. I think it's significant that we don't live together-he has his place, I have mine. So, we can be together as much as we want, then retire to our own spaces.

    No kids, either. I'm his baby, he's my baby, and two babies is plenty.

  • freedom96

    Happily married to caligirl.

  • darkuncle29

    Single and not looking. No kids, but want. Still figuring myself out, trying to be who I need to be so that when opportunity knocks I can answer the door.

  • joannadandy

    Dark, you're such a cool big brother...

  • seattleniceguy

    Single and not really looking. Life is good, I'm happy about my direction. I really want to find the right girl. Really really really. But it seems that doesn't happen when you're looking. So I'm trying to get into a mode of just being happy with everything. Seems that that's about when the girls always start dropping out of the sky.


  • WildHorses

    Single........Hated it at first, lovin it now. I come and go as I please. If I don't want to cook dinner I don't have to. Believe it or not, I don't even miss the sex. You get used to it after a while.

  • SixofNine
    Seems that that's about when the girls always start dropping out of the sky.

    Zowie!!! You need to either live on a boat or invest in some trampolines. It'd be a shame if mrs right turned out to be a C-4

  • talesin


    Believe it or not, I don't even miss the sex.

    You're right, you need more 'fluff', woman!!

    as for me, Re: What's your status....relationship wise?

    it's simple....... relationship + wise = single

    at least for moi


    (of the 'yes, I'm a wee bit cynical' class)

  • wednesday

    married age 17,have kids and sweetie pie and sugar pie grandchildren.

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