Are you more intelligent since you left?

by Nosferatu 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41

    Nos, this is a good question. However, intelligence has nothing to do with it. It's about knowing yourself and what you want to do with your life. It's about finally getting to the point where you see that being where you are is killing your soul and you know you have to walk away. I agree that intelligence and knowledge as someone else already put it, came first, then, once you are out, you can expand and grow and experiment and find out who and what you really are and what you want in life. These feelings of freedom are what I think you are alluding to.


  • Sunnygal41

    I think Gopher nailed it when he said "mass hypnosis". We let our brains go to sleep and let someone else do our thinking for us.

  • Abaddon

    As many people have said, you can't actually get more intelligent after a certain age. I suppose you can get better at doing IQ tests, but increasing your intelligence after a certain age is, in the world of IQ testing, not possible - I'm pretty sure about that, but I'm stoned at the moment, and that definately doesn't make you smarter 8-)-~

    Of course, it really depends what you mean by 'intelligence'; I spy semantics (claps hands in glee).

    I know I have got smarter, as in I can use my mind far better. Part of that is a natural result of freedom of thought. I also think that most people who've done some Higher Education will agree that that can teach you how to think. Learning how to be critical, analytical, learning how to read properly and see subtexts that would have previously eluded you.

    I also know shitloads more. That's from the real world and University, I don't think having a degree gives you exclusive rights to knowing lots.

    My emotional intelligence is WAY higher too, because I'm living a real life now.

    Cool question vampire-geezer.

  • cyber-sista

    Yes...I had to shut off the criticial thinking part of my brain while I was in the Org. I feel like part of my brain had been shut down or that I was not allowed to use it. I could not express who I truly was. Denying self is a mind numbing experience.

    I am still greatly disturbed by how this happened to me. I truly feel as if I was in a trance, which I have just recently awakened from. Floods of memories and realizations have come in upon me. It's a lot to handle sometimes. What in the world was happening to me in there? Talk about brainwashing--the WT cult are experts in the field. I am here as a witness to that...

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