It changes with age, both of the woman and of the man. Generally speaking, younger girls, like 18 or so, don't know what they want, don't really know how to have sex, and are terrified that they are going to get old alone; so they want the relationship. A little bit older, and the women have more self-confidence, especially if they have a job and a good thing going in their lives, so they expect a lot of romance and massages and worship, basically. Then they hit late-twenties, thirty, and their sexual peak, so they are more likely to hook up for a night or two or try freaky stuff (menage-a-trois?). Then they get older and they are more likely to settle down - but they aren't afraid of getting old alone, either. More resigned, so they are more comfortable with themselves, and their experience makes them fantastic lovers. But they don't demand too much.
This is all just averages, really. Individuals are more complicated.
Are you a virgin Bradley?