Argh, why don't I learn?

by asleif_dufansdottir 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Why do I do this? I am such a procrastinator!

    Why do I put of working on things until I can't put it off any more?

    Here it is 4:20 a.m., and I am just now finishing my exam for class tomorrow (our exams for this class are in essay format, we are given a question on Thursday and have to turn in a 5-page answer the next Tuesday...and these are thoughtful and involved questions, no banging out quick answers).

    God why don't I learn?? I've been this way since I was a kid.

    You all should be able to tell when I have an assignment due, because the amount of time I spend on here goes WAY up as I avoid working on it!

    I p*ss myself off.

  • Angharad

    Your not alone - I do it as well with my assignments. I'm always last minute

    Then I always promise myself I wont do it again next time, and I'll work on it as I go along but I never do !

    Hope you can get a bit of sleep later

  • Dansk
    I've been this way since I was a kid.

    It's really comforting knowing one isn't alone! Been that way forever!!


  • Undecided

    I did that on my assignments at the KH many times. Oh the memories. So glad I don't have to do that anymore.

    Ken P.

  • Xena
    You all should be able to tell when I have an assignment due, because the amount of time I spend on here goes WAY up as I avoid working on it!

    ROFL, I thought I was the only one like that!

  • Cicatrix


    That's the way I finished all my essay exams. My record was starting my mythology exam the night before it was due, working all night until seven am, then going right to school with nary a shower, hehehe.

    Good luck on the exam-hope you get an A. For me, that extra pressure seemed to work for some odd reason.

  • Elsewhere
    Here it is 4:20

    Time to toke up!!!

  • missylissy

    i do that too, im in high school.. im working on it this semester thought, dad says it would be bad to be like that in university, and he wants me to do good. so im workin on gettin a head start on everything. thats why i havent been on here as much lately.


  • Sassy

    Yeah I am that way too..........

    and there seem to be other lessons I never seem to learn from as well..

  • LyinEyes

    Put me on the list of procrastinators. We need a support group or something........but I would probably wait until the last minute and be too late.

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