I know this as been discussed before, but could someone give me a lead or thread on it. I was having this heated discussion with my JW dad. I was saying "what do they do with the $940,000,00.00 they take in every year. So my dad says"it goes to the worldwide preaching". So I say "I heard about $80,000,000.00 ,so where's the rest"? He told me his KH was paid off in full. I asked him"did the society pay for it"? Of course he ducks the question and says "I don't know". Anybody have any idea what gets paid out each year? PC
Who pays for KH?
by pc 17 Replies latest jw friends
I didn't realize they took in so much. I remember when I was witnessing I couldn't ever get anyone to give a donation for anything. They would always take the literature but never donate.
Some of it might go to support the missionaries but I really don't know.
It goes to Jehovah, silly. :P
This is a publishing business.
Buildings are purchased and maintained, water, sewer, electricity, computers, hardware/software, vehicles, printing equipment new/maintenance, shipping equipment, boxes, printing machinery new/old, paper, office supplies, office furniture, office equipment, maintain roads, wastewater treatment plant, fire engines/training, travel, etc., etc.
Anyone work for a big business in purchasing? What does it cost to run it even without salaried employees?
So does the society pay for the individual Kingdom Hall buildings? pc
actually, paying for kingdom halls is one of the most lucrative scams the WT has going!
They require the congregations to purchase the property outright, first. Then they "loan" the money for Kingdom Hall construction to the congregation, then take the money BACK and spend it on construction materials, etc, through the local building committee. As the final kicker, they then require that the hall be signed OVER to the Society. So the congregation winds up paying on a loan for a building that they don't even own!
Yep, that Jehovah, he sure know how to stick it to his people, don't he?
What happens say the congregation can't afford the payments does the society help? pc
This has been discussed at length somewhere on JWD, pc.
The KHs are paid for by the congregation members through donations directly into a contribution box marked for congregation expenses at the KH. When the hall is paid off, it is administered by a non-profit corporation made up of 3 elders in good standing from the congregation who holds the territory the KH building is in. If the congregation is dissolved, then the building reverts to the WTS. Up until that moment, those 3 elders make any decisions regarding sale or purchase of the building/land. For example, a congregation holds extra land and the WTS "suggested" they sell it and give the proceeds to a nearby congregation that is trying to build a new KH. First congregation refused to do so. If the land was held legally by the WTS, they would have just sold it. But since the WTS does not hold legal title, that was not possible. Now that doesn't mean that the WTS isn't pissed with the first congregation and might bring "pressure" to bear on them to sell.
Not sure what they would do in those circumstances. Never heard of it happening.
They might try some accomodation arrangements - they aren't the most heartless lenders in the world; but I'd rather not be in debt to them anyway, eh?
Thanks Blondie and Czar, BUT I THINK NOS IS THE MOST ACCURATELOL!!! pc