I have decided to make the jump form Windows XP over into the open source world and am giving Mandrake Linux a try. So far so good. Things seem alot sharper and faster than they did in XP. Just some getting used to is all. Anyone else out there running alternative OS's? Mac's dont count by the way. Kansas District Overbeer
Posting on Linux - Mandrake
by pr_capone 12 Replies latest jw friends
I apologize for the run on paragraph but for some reason it does not seem to be letting me put spaces between my sentences. hmmmm.... bugs to work out I guess. Kansas District Overbeer
Satans little helper
I'm running a dual boot with WinXP and Mandrake Linux - version 9 I think.
You are probably reading this using Mozilla or Opera, which means you are going to have problems. Some features of this BB don't work in Netscape cored browsers. Personally i cannot use the chat function at home and have issues posting paragraphs. I think it's because the php is optimised for Microsoft's IE and plays up otherwise. Apart from a few small niggles I like using mandrake. The install was easy and apart from not having native drivers for my scanner/printer/fax machine I have had no problems. The only reason i am still running XP is that all my games are windows based, although I initially installed Linux purely to have a clean development platform for some C/C++ hacking I needed to do.
Personally I think it is worth having the both running side by side so you don't have to fart around when you find a problem.
I'm running a dual boot with WinXP and Mandrake Linux
This is what my friend, Sean, has. It (LINUX) is his favorite OS, and he has almost exactly the same comments as you, SLH.
It's okay if you have some knowledge & experience, but not for those who can't do their own 'tweaking'. Microsoft has the whole GD world geared to use its products.
Linux is Ok. There are allot of things you might miss with windows... Linux is getting better every day, but there are still overwhelming problems that users still face such as shell commands. It's something you have to learn and know well in order to install most open source software... also you do loose allot of good programs when you move to linux. You can operate stuff like Photoshop in a modified version of wine (Crossover office) but it's as slow as all get out. I personly don't like Mandrake, it's very bloated... I'm a fan of SuSE though... once I tried SuSE I vowed never to go back to Mandrake, Lycoris, Red Hat or any of those other ones. Yast makes it easier to install things and it's connected to a bigger source of working RPMs than Mandrake I believe.
you need to go update your kernel and also anything else for security reasons. also you can update mozilla to where it won't be as buggy (www.mozilla.com i think). if you've never operated linux before, good luck =D its really different, just hope you can get the hang of things.
Winston Smith :>D
Where's our resident penguin sens for this
She could give you some input I bet
I dual boot with Windows Me and BeOS. I tried two flavors of Linux (SuSE and Caldera), but find BeOS vastly easier to use. There are several browsers for BeOS, the native NetPositive, plus Mozilla, Firebird, Opera and perhaps some others I've not used. BeOS can be downloaded free of charge from several sites, including www.bebits.com
It is true that this forum is not quite as functional using any browser other than Internet Explorer, however I will happily trade those functions for the massive stability of the operating system. In any event, if I must use IE for something, I can always boot to Win Me. (Ok, so I'm kind of a geeky tomboy).
by the way, all linux is free and you don't have to buy it =D the only thing is that if you download the major distributions (like redhat, SuSE, or Mandrake) you don't get the tech support. i do like BeOS, but for some reason redhat 9.0 is nice. it looks really good. just remember you need to update everything for security reasons. also if you like playing quake, it'll work on linux because thats what its written in =D in any case, have fun. and don't forget that when you mess up the kernel there's no real way to fix it besides to reformat, heheheh.
My Linux distro of choice is Debian followed by Slackware. Mandrake and Red Hat are ok choices if you want to get your feet wet.
This site is very unfriendly to browsers other than IE. And Simon has expressed little desire to do anything about it because IE probably has 98% marketshare.
I still use Windows XP Pro for my primary desktop because I do Windows software development. XP is rock solid; I find Linux no more or less stable.