"The Wine has not been Spiced........" ?????

by RubaDub 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    In view of the upcoming holiday season for us JW's (well, sort of holiday i guess), every year in the talk, they make a big point out of the fact that the wine has not been "spiced."

    When I asked this question several times to those in the borg, they simply say that it means "no additives."

    My question is, is there such a thing as "spiced wine?" I have had spiced rum, but never spiced wine.

    I thought i knew my wines rather well but can't recall seeing any "spiced" wines.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • Love_Truth

    Yes- Sangria or Santgria- Spanish spiced wine.

    Probably others as well.

  • gitasatsangha

    Retsina comes to mind, also, if pinesol can be considered a spice.

  • mustang

    It is called "mulled" wine, or mulled spirits. That is an odd thought for them to use about the Memorial service. It would be easy for someone to get a wine that is not "kosher" and theoretically inappropriate for the Passover/Memorial. That is a common mistake. But you have to go out of your way to find a mulled wine. I like them and it usually easier to do it yourself.

    Perhaps that is it: they are concerend that someone has tampered with the wine. It would be easiest to buy a kosher wine and say that no one has tampered with it.


  • gitasatsangha

    they're always going on and on about how the pharisees were splitting hairs,and how that annoyed Jesus. So then they split hairs about the wine.

    "And then he passed the wine before them and said, "Take this. This is a very fine Riesling. This means.. wait.. forget that. Where's the cheap Austrailian Syrah?"

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