I remember when we bought food , we used little 10cent coupons.
I personally think that they got rid of the food because it went to donations for food, not selling food, and peeps were hogging all of the food and not paying for it.
There were more than two times we went and by the time we got to the front of the line,,,,,,,they would be out of sandwiches and the kids would be so hungry. The first time that happened,,,,,,,a brother saw that my son didnt get a sandwich and he insisted that my young son, 5 or 6 at the the time,,,,take his sandwich. I gladly accepted it and offered him to share some of the other things that I brought with me, apple chuncks.
I remember fruit bags, hoagies, danishes, greasy doughnuts, Shasta, a nasty piece of chicken on a piece of bread.