JW's Light's out in the court of public opinion- Rio Rancho Kingdom Hall
by Newly Enlightened 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Great video exsposing them for thier continued lies. -
Newly Enlightened
Here is the Vimeo version in case anyone cannot view the Youtbe version.
Thank you Crazyguy
While I do appreciate what Mike & Kim are doing, I think they would better better results by being a bit more tactful and professional about it. It's great info, but presenting it as an attack on GB/JWs will turn many off who might otherwise listen along further if it appeared to be "unbiased".
I think it's better not to behave like the stereotype "mentally diseased apostate" of which WT speaks. It just "proves them right".
Many points were unnecessarily repeated and the time required to watch it could have been reduced. Many folks just are not going to take over an hour out of their day to view it.
This case is just another example of "window-washer-elders" throwing their weight around "because they can". I'm sure the elders who ignored a (what I see as a modest and sensible) request of their neighbors, treat the "flock" with the same disrespect.
How about you make a video Doc! -
Fabulous video .......you can see right through jw hypocrisy!
They blocked Jim's view and built a windowless building!
I think Tyler drinks too much coffee... wish I had his energy! -
cha ching
At 15 minutes into the video, Tyler asks the elder about "the two greatest commandments" and how he would show love. An exchange definitely worth watching... True colors revealed.
Tyler asks great questions, and the best part of it is, Tyler cannot be intimidated by the threat of "disfellowshipping" or "shunning". He can be open, honest, sincere and the elder can do nothing to him.
I also like the fact that he interviews the neighbors, the woman is a sweetheart, and also the man who built and designed their home. Nice folks, quite a different story than what the COBE told.
It is a great perspective on how "the world" views this type of "neighborly love."
DOC: I think they would better better results by being a bit more tactful and professional about it.
Careful, criticizing anyone that speaks about the borg will bring you heat on this forum!
Kookie: How about you make a video Doc!
Thus proving my point!