The Watchtower Won't Release 'Apostates'!

by metatron 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    On metatron's point, i got thinking today about what it would be like if the R&F were allowed freedom of thought and movement. How much different life would be? But could the WTS survive like that? I think not. So all who've ever been involved with the Borg are forever to be viewed as "theirs". Well, that's what they'd like, anyway!!!

    The gall of the WTS leadership amazes me. They treat the world with contempt and display a "holier than thou" attitude, yet are guilty of the most heinous of crimes.

  • Latte

    W/T July 15 th 2003

    Propagandists often use a word like ?sect? to stigmatise others. In a recommendation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a suggestion was made that the authorities who investigate new religious groups ?would be well advised to forgo using this term?. Why? It was felt that the word ?cult? had an excessively negative connotation. He further said: ?In the public mind today, a sect is extremely evil or dangerous.? In a similar way, Greek intellectuals wrongly charged that the apostle Paul was a ?chatterer,? or ?seed picker.? This was to imply that he was nothing more than an idle babbler, someone who picked up and repeated on scraps of knowledge??????..


    The above is quite interesting. I would like to know exactly who made that recommendation, also who the HE was???? I would hazard a guess that the are no less than the WBTS.

    Booh Wooo....don't we like being called a sect then??? .....Well, Bro Bethel, I don't like being called an apostate!!

  • Loris

    The Quakers practice Disowning

    Friends were as zealous for the public character of their meetings for worship as they were for the select character of their meetings for business. As Richard Vann states, Quaker meetings for worship were in every sense public meetings, open to all who cared or dared to come. [29] Dared was very much to the point in that Friends would put up with a great deal of abuse rather than limit access to these meetings; though they might be attended by informers who would supply persecutors with lists of Quakers; or by violent persons with or without judicial authority, who entered them to assault Quakers and drag them away. There was always the hope that the power of God in the meeting would reach the heart of the hostile attender.[30]

    They restrict the disowned one from their meetings for business but every other meeting for worship or family ties remain unchanged.

    They do not treat anyone with contempt even if they exhibit anti-Quaker views.

    From what I read on the site they do not use the disowning practice much. Only if the meeting for business is in danger of being disrupted.

    They do not fear the contrary views of former members. And look how long they have prospered with such a tolerant view even though they are a bit off the beaten track of mainstream churches.


  • metatron

    Several years ago, the Society instructed elders NOT to accept any resignation! You must get their permission to resign!

    Usually, they just wait for the next CO's visit so he can look you over - but technically you can't just resign.


  • gitasatsangha

    From what I've observed if an elder want's to just retire, they will lower his responsibilities and give him some minor chore, if any, until he is allowed to step down. It doesnt take long.

  • gitasatsangha

    From what I've observed if an elder want's to just retire, they will lower his responsibilities and give him some minor chore, if any, until he is allowed to step down. It doesnt take long.

  • metatron

    I've lost patience with the view that they are "sincere".

    The reason why? Because so many carefully crafted talks and Watchtower articles require deliberate skill in deception.

    Also, many of them are privately aware that much of what they print is simply for publishers consumption - not the truth,

    just something needed for their collective survival.


  • Spudinator

    Metatron said:

    Also, many of them are privately aware that much of what they print is simply for publishers consumption - not the truth, just something needed for their collective survival.

    If you wouldn't mind, how do you know this?

  • Elsewhere
    They could invent a new rule stating that anybody who doesn't turn in time for a year is simply

    not a Witness anymore - no "disassociation", no names read off

    They could never do this because it would create a legal precedent of "Agency"... basically meaning that the WTS is legally responsible for the actions of JWs while out in field service.

    Right now if a JW does something that gets him sued, the liability will not extend beyond the individual.

    In the meetings JWs are told that all JWs are required to go door-to-door... in the court room the WTS says that JWs do this on their own and is not a requirement.

  • metatron

    some quick answers, Spud

    Consider the latest WTs in which they carefully craft deception - their own publications, including the Proclaimers'

    book show that they weren't expecting Jesus invisible presence to start in 1914-1918. They're lying.

    I can't go into details about confidential matters that involve me - but I'll do the best I can.

    a scandal erupts in a congregation - a special committee is sent from Bethel to fix things. The chairman tells a local

    elder ( I quote) "You have to lie, sometimes" (!!!)

    a brother calls Bethel with embarassing questions. He is told that he can't be helped because "it's a holiday"

    He replies that "You don't celebrate/observe holidays" ( esp. at Bethel) -- no reply

    Ancient history: The Society sold "Comfort for the Jews" books long after they rejected all Zionism in prophecy.

    Read Crisis of Conscience - and meditate on what Henschel said about the 1975 debacle. His concern was damage

    control, not truth.

    'nuff for now


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