I have posted some of the following info in various other threads I`ve
started which touch on the matter of JWs in Japan.However,people continue to ask me `Why Japanese become JWs?`,so I thought I`d put
down a few of my observations for anyone who might be interested.
As you may or may not have noticed,Japan has(had) the fifth largest number of JWs in the world. (I think one African nation recently
surpassed Japan...) The fourth largest are America, Brazil, Mexico
and Italy. America is no doubt the largest due to the fact that the
WT originated there. Brazil,Mexico and Italy have the commonality
of being predominately Catholic countries. Since the majority of WT
attacks are aimed at Catholicism, it follows that discontent Catholics
would tend to be attracted to the WT.(That issue has been dealt with
on other threads) So, the question is, Why Japan?
Here`s a few reasons:
1) Japanese like things which are American
2) In post WWII Christian missionaries presented the Bible to many
children and young people via Sunday School and private Christian
schools.The WT cashed in on that `Biblical interest` via their
aggresive door-to-door approach.
3) Society has been breaking down. Trust relationships are harder
to find. People are moving from the village to the city thus
breaking long standing relationships and finding themselves lonely
and friend-less. The JW who comes to their door offers instant
4) There is a lack of absolutes in the society here, so people long
for some system that tells them what`s right and wrong.
5) In the latter years of the 20th century there was an
intense fascination with the `end-of-the-world` theme.
In the late 1980`s and early 90`s the WT cashed in on that frenzy.
6) Ancestor worship. The focus of Japanese religion is always dead
relatives. Ancestor worship is strong even among very secular
Japanese. The WT version of a `Paradise Earth` offers them a
chance to re-unite with the dead realtives in an idyllic
7) The WT`s similarity to Budhism. Surprising as it may seem the WT
teaching shares many things in common with the most popular form
of Budhism here in Japan. Budhism consists of `Tariki-hongan` and
`Jiriki-hongan`.Tariki is the idea of salvation based on someone
else`s works. In Budhism the saviour is `Amida`.However, the most
popular type of Budhism is `Jiriki`.Jiriki-hongan is the idea of
earning your own salvation via various works you do yourself.
For example, climbing a high mountain, going to a sacred place,
fasting, meditating, etc. The WT teaching of earning salvation
via, FS, meeting attendance, obeying the organization,etc. fits
right in with the Japanese mindset. Receiving something simply on
the basis of Grace is a hard concept to grasp. The WT method is
easier to grasp.
8) Focus on the SEEN. Japanese like concepts which can be seen.Thus
the popularity of idols. The WT offers them a very visible
religion. Outward cleanliness, Pictures of Jehovah God, Good
Works, A visible organization, Large assemblies, Lots of real
estate ,etc.
9) Japanese are also study intensive. The WTs emphasis on constant
study played well until recently.
10)Japanese love for things to be ORGANIZED. I understand that the
Germans in general tend to be very organized and the Japanese
are as well. Freedom and emotional expression are not high
priorities, organization is.
* There are undoubtedly other factors as well, but these are the ones which came to mind. If you`ve lived in Japan...feel free to add some that I`ve missed.
I wonder how many of those things would be true in other countries, as well?