My husband and I heard Kate Bornstein speak many years ago at OSU. I liked some of the things she tried to do in her book to get people to think outside the box regarding gender. So think about it, but you don't have to buy into all of it; just the parts that fit into your unique perspective of the world.
The reason that I am asking this is, I had a visit from a elder (that I have never meet before)and he was talking about my transexuality and the reason I was Dfs. He agreed with my above coment, I asked if there would ever be any chance that I could be reninstated? His answer at this time was not untill I revert back to being a male. Thing is I was never a full male to start with I was born "Hermaphodite" and never had the complete package of a male.
Here are some to questions to think about. They may help you to think outside the box.
- Why were you talking to this complete stranger about this?
- Why did they send a person to your door who had never had dealings with you before?
- What does this person do for a living and what educational background does he have?
- Why does he think this gives him more authority on the subject than your psychiatrist, Kate Bornstein, or someone who has lived with the confusion for 31 years?
- Why do you think they want you to revert back to being male?
- Why did you ask the question you asked?
- If they miraculously changed their minds and said you could be reinstated as a woman, do you really want to go back?
- What is your motivation for going back?
- Is it just to get your family back?
- Would your family treat you the way you perceive yourself to be if this happened?
- Are parents, who said they loved you, then abandoned their child once because a dozen old men in Brooklyn, NY said to ever to be trusted again?
So I ask the Question to the readers
I have the package that a woman has, I look like a women, I talk like a women, my birth certificate say Im a woman, SO WHAT AM I????
Any answers please
Only you know the answer to this. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. When you come to that realization, and you will get there, you will realize what a strange elder, your parents, your siblings, Kate Bornstein, or the people on this board think has nothing to do with what YOU FEEL.
Good luck on your journey.
Feel free to PM me anytime you need to talk.
Tammy :-)