as a person that grew up as a dub, i realize i missed a lot when i was a kid. i'm sitting here watching Mr. Rogers on PBS (for those who aren't American, its a kids show like Sesame Street, which i really wasn't allowed to watch either). it makes me sad because i've missed out on so much when i was a kid, such as watching Mr. Rogers. I know i did a lot more than a typical dub kid, but i didn't do all of it. I also missed out on the school haloween parties where you got free candy, and every valentines day when everyone would pass around valentines and me and a friend had to sit out =( i do remember tho this one girl always gave me a valentine because she liked me, hehehe. all the firecrackers, all the thanksgivings, and all the christmases that my dad allowed me to attend was great, and probably some of my most memorable times. but i sure do remember the elders putting pressure on me and my sisters to not attend these "wicked" celebrations. F$%k them now....
Mr. Rogers: Lets sing the alphabet song!