Why iseveryone always complaining and criticising?

by Gianluca 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gianluca

    Hi folks

    I have notice that many here are always complaining about those wonderful assemblies that we used to attend? Why is that? Why is everyone so ungrateful?

    Don't you miss those thrilling talks? Were you not encouraged to start the best career there is : Full time service in God's Holy Motherlike, caring and loving organisation!!
    Think about it. Don't you miss the " taste of what it will be like in paradise earth" under the loving guidance of those future Princes our friend Amazing talks about in his "Justice" series?
    And what about those memorable talks we had the grand privilege of listening to given by the (roll the drums please...) yes you guessed, a member of the GB. Don't you remember giving such a long applause that you had third degree burns all over your hand afterwards??

    And the food yummy yummy....It's the spiritual food i'm talking about, all those wonderful different coloured new books and booklets. Remember rushing to get them at the end of the days session and start browsing through them to find if they contained "new light"???

    And the toilets ahhhh... those were something!! I'm sure you remember having the privilege to stand for ages in line, especially if you had a persistent looseness of the bowels (it gave you the possibility to "widen out" and make new friends!!!) and when it was your turn to enter the cubicles you could breath the perfumed air of the 5 previous users ........What smashing moments of pure spiritual paradise...... unforgettable moments, it made my eyes swell with tears.....because often the air was so concentrated with that lovely "perfume" that the effect was worst than tear gas.........
    I'm sure we were also all jealous of the sisters who had the privilege to stand in even loooooooooonnnnnnggggggerrr lines than us brothers!! At least they had an excuse for not being at their seats!

    Last but not least i'm sure you will never forget the concluding prayer....i remember that we used to bet on how long they would last. The longest one i had to survive lasted 16 minutes.....what a pain in the neck that was....literally speaking!!!

    I'm sure that you are all pleased with me now that i've brought back nice memories to all of you.....


  • Prisca

    LOL - very funny Gianluca

    You obviously had indoor conventions, or else you would have mentioned having to put up with 4 seasons in one day. In the morning you would get sunburnt, and by the afternoon it would be so cold you needed a winter coat! And then you had to hope it didn't rain!

    Ahh, what a privlege to be sunburnt while listening to such "healthy teaching".... yeah, right!

  • Gianluca

    Hi Prisca,

    You're correct we always had indoor conventions. It was always end July during the heatwaves and everyone used to sweat like marathon runners...so you can imagine sitting next to someone who emanated more than average body odors.....after the morning session you were
    Of course the WTS could not afford to rent an airconditioned hall......


  • outnfree

    "Of course the Watchtower could not afford to rent an air-conditioned hall"

    At our District Convention site this was certainly true. The arena was NOT air conditioned. But the press box where all the visiting GB members and the convention heavies sat sure was! I guess they felt they had to look crisp and unwrinkled for their public performances.

    Meanwhile those of us up on the third level were suffering profusely with the heat and the need to "stay alert" for the inspiring "food"!

    (who knew more than one 'friend' who bought those battery-operated fans that misted you with water in order to endure ... endure.... yeah, that's the ticket "he who endures to the end is the one that will be saved." RIGHT??? [8>])

  • Gianluca

    Hi outnfree,

    I remember those fans, sometimes nearly a whole row had them so you can imagine the buzzing noise and moisture around....


  • Yadirf


    Last but not least i'm sure you will never forget the concluding prayer....i remember that we used to bet on how long they would last. The longest one i had to survive lasted 16 minutes.....what a pain in the neck that was....literally speaking!!!

    What an exaggerator you are, Gianluca! Have you stopped long enough to ask yourself just how long 16 minutes is? Obviously not! Well, sit there in your chair with a timer on yourself and see. Gives rise to the question of just what else you've said that's been blown out of proportion.

    All of you here seem to me to be the biggest bunch of belly-achers I've ever seen in my entire life. None of you, apparently, have any idea of what a hard time or a hard way of life is. You have never experienced anything other than ride to school (instead of walk), ride to work, go here and go there, enjoy this and enjoy that. There are people still alive that know what it means to really experience discomfort. The entire bunch of you have a lot to learn, if you will just get up off your lazy butts and put your minds to work. The fact that so many of you are here posting on this DB each and every day says a lot. Now me, I'm taking notes ... so my reason for being here is far more justifiable than yours. Plus, I'm retired, my house is clean, the grass is mowed, my puppy "Friday" has been fed.

  • VeniceIT

    Prisca!!! you must go to the Conv in Brisbane!!! haha we were there for the international Conv 2 1/2 years ago and OHH man your not kidding. I remember being sooo HOT in the morngin and think we were going to die, then it cooled off and we had a downpour in the afternoon, we had to sit on our Bible to keep them from getting wet. And we were soaked through!!! and Bro. Henshel gave the worst talk I've ever heard, kept switching immoral and immortal!! HE talked about the 'mud of Christ', instead of blood and took the session 45 min. overtime!!!!! sitting there getting soaked, and freezing with 400 busses waiting on the street blocking traffic!!! ohh yes the JOYS of that conv!!!


  • Yadirf


    Hi my love ... just wanted to say hello to my dearest.

    Yadaffy Duck



    You are right, I do miss the conventions. Some days I need to remember the feelings that I experienced at them. When this happens I go to my garage and hit my thumb with a hammer. I then just sit down, close my eyes and remember how it all was, as I throb.

  • Calico_Cat
    All of you here seem to me to be the biggest bunch of belly-achers I've ever seen in my entire life. None of you, apparently, have any idea of what a hard time or a hard way of life is. You have never experienced anything other than ride to school (instead of walk), ride to work, go here and go there, enjoy this and enjoy that. There are people still alive that know what it means to really experience discomfort. The entire bunch of you have a lot to learn, if you will just get up off your lazy butts and put your minds to work. The fact that so many of you are here posting on this DB each and every day says a lot. Now me, I'm taking notes ... so my reason for being here is far more justifiable than yours. Plus, I'm retired, my house is clean, the grass is mowed, my puppy "Friday" has been fed.

    Translation: I have no life.

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