So that's how JWD was born! Thanks, Simon. I watch for the next instalment.
My life ... and how JWD came to be - Part 3
by Simon 49 Replies latest jw experiences
Marvin Shilmer
Bible writers were notoriously candid.
Simon writes,
?The irony was that we were 80 miles apart at the supposed time and this was coming from someone who had been cought banging my sister.?
Folks, it just doesn?t get much more candid that that!
I?m enjoying your series Simon. Great work!
Marvin Shilmer
Thanks Simon for sticking it out!
And Angharad, you're a gem!
Thank you for keeping the story coming. I am waiting with baited breath (as I ran out of toothpaste ) for the next installment.
Great stuff Simon... awaiting part 4!
thanks for taking the time to write your story simon, very interesting.looking forward to part 4!
Cool story Simon
The elders meeting you had sounds like the one Shotgun described. Its amazing that anyone with even minimal experience can have JW elders backed into a corner in the space of 10 minutes!
I loved the bit about the palm PC with elders manual on it ! LOL.
(can you believe I had to stand up through it all? 25 hours !! My feet were killing me but she got to lie down) and two weeks early.
I trust Angharad will fix your thinking here. I won't comment.Yes I think I will have to
Satans little helper
Simon, Angharad,
this is a very interesting story. Angharad, did you have doubts before all this blew up? When you compare your story to Shotgun's or several others who have questioned the org and had the elders come to 'shepherd' Angharad's reaction is uncommon in that it seems to be a recurrent theme that one partner doggedly resists seeing through all the BS.
I am very glad for you that Angharad didn't do the ostrich thing.
City Fan
Great story so far Simon,
I wish I'd checked on all those Creation Book references when the book first came out. I think deep down I knew the quotations would be out of context, as these evolutionary scientists were seemingly against evolution!
Why is it when you try and explain to family why the WTS is wrong, you just get the 'rabbit caught in the headlights' look back from them. Even recently I was given a book trying to disprove evolution by a family member which even has the water canopy theory in it! What do I do? Ignore it as I usually do or reply to it and start an argument?
Anyway, looking forward to the next part.