"Passion of the Christ", another review

by MegaDude 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I think it's largely based on two points:

    1) the Satan figure appears with the Jews who are deciding to kill Jesus, but never appears anywhere around Pilate.

    2) Pilate is seen to be sympathetic even though history says he was a total repressive dictator, but the Jewish high priest is made out to be like Ted Bundy.

  • Yerusalyim


    I don't think it's any secret that the film shows that the Jews (as a whole) were responsible for assisting in sending Jesus to His death at the hands of the Romans.

    Again, you say this having never seen the movie. The film does NOT show or ATTEMPT to show tha the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for Jesus death. If careful attention is given, the "crowd" is made of mostly pharisees, of which there might have been some 6 or 7 thousand max in all of Israel back then...and most likely Jesus was one of them. For every Jew that we see PERSONALLY involved in the plot to kill Jesus, we see another who is kind and tries to or at least wants to help Jesus.

    Mel Gibson has not "rejected" Vatican II...he is quite Ultra Conservative in his faith though.


    The Satan figure is shown as being there trying to tempt and influence...the Romans already belonged to him...but I can see where that would be a valid point of arguement...I just didn't see it that way.

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    Hmmm - it's a bit over the top in my view. A sad testament to man's inhumanity to man. The sad truth is that untold masses were brutally murdered as was Jesus of Nazareth. I am inclined to believe that the Romans were far more responsible for Jesus death than the Gospel accounts (and the movie) would lead us to believe. The layers of historical fact have become so intertwined with conjecture and hyperbole that is very difficult to sort exactly what happened and why. Secular Biblical scholars largely take a very different view of these events than the story we saw in this movie.

    I was saddened to see children as young as eight years old at this movie. If nothing else, I would have to give credit to most JWs for not taking their children to see this film.


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