i always remember in the bible that God's preferred choice of transportation was a chariot. Why would God have a chariot though, instead of a nice new Porsche 911 or a Ferarri or something like that? he'd sure be noticed more =D
God's Ride
by dustyb 12 Replies latest jw friends
new light
Ezekiel would have really flipped his lid if he saw a black 911 descend from the heavens. "I thought I was out there before, but this is f'n crazy!"
'Sup, dusty!
I know you were being funny but you do raise a good point: The bible was written in the times of chariots. If God wanted to make it more appealing to folks today, he could have describe his ride like some of the descriptions of the images in Revelation:
" 12 And I saw, and look! There was someone with the apperance of the father of the son of God. And look! He was riding in a
candy-apple red(oops! they didn't have candy apples back then)... he was riding in an apple-colored glossy-shiny thingy that had the power of a thousand horses. 13 Then, as the great dragon approached God, God pressed his holy foot to a rectangular object that was attached to the floor of this thingy, and look! The thingy had four round, black, bouncy, rotating wheels that had the words 'Fire' and 'Stone' written on each wheel. 14 Then, as the great dragon approached, God let His light shine forth from the two circles on the front of the thingy, blinding the great dagon...etc. etc. etc." -
funch, that was what i was getting at actually. nobody back then dreamed that we'd have cars, guns, airplanes and everything else that we do. they had swords and shields, thus thats how they portrayed "holy" figures. but HOW do they know what they were going to wear, and what they were going to cruise down in?
Good question.
Hey, perhaps the chariot will have some spinning rims!
My father always told me that God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in his (Plymouth) Fury.
And the Apostles were all in one (Honda) Accord.
If there's a God in heaven, He drives a Silver Thunderbird.
Asleif, co-owner of a 1979 Town Landau T-bird. My husband ordered it made for him (it has a plaque and everything) when he was a senior in HS.
No way - he'd drive a Viper!!
(not mine - but my father in law's......I have gotten to ride in it but too scared to drive it)
or..........maybe something with more power - say a 440 Hemi
Now THIS one is ours
But if I had my choice I'd go for one of those cute 2 seat coup Mercedes Benz.......or perhaps a flying car?
And the Apostles were all in one (Honda) Accord. you're wrong. they'll drive around in a classic Cadillac v16, yellow, and they'll have 2 of them. They'll be convertible, and now in the 21st century they'll cost well over a million dollars because they're such a rare car.