Sassy...he's 23.
District Overbeer
by Valis 18 Replies latest jw friends
Sassy...he's 23.
District Overbeer
better to b funny some times than 2 smell funny all the time like u
on another note valis, have u checked ur utopia messages lateley?
Sassy...he's 23.
whew! I got to thinking if he was underage I am going to be in trouble for telling him we bite.. We dont' bite underage youngins
Hi Ambush and you too I guess Valis........
My three children were all home schooled from the begining. It was very encouraged in our area to not let our kids mix with ANY kids,,,,,,,not even in the neighborhood.
When we left the borg,,,,,,, I imitated put my oldest son Jake into school, he had to take a test to get in , but made excellent scores. That very day he signed up for football and began his practice.
Last year and this year,,,,,being in High School, he has excelled , especially amazing to me since he never went to public school before.
Again this year he is on the Beta Club, National Honor Roll, All Denfensive Back in football, All District Acedemic in football, Class Beau, Class President. He has won the school's science fair two years in a row,,,,placed #1 and best all around.
He is begining to look into which college he wants to attend as they are talking about scholarships.
It was not easy right at first when he went,,,,,,,,the first few days , but then he just shined thru as he does in everything he does. I am very proud of him and will keep pushing him all the way thru college.
My younger two are still homeschooled ,,,,,,,for now.......next year they will start public school as well, but this year we had some catching up to do. I think they are going to love it just as much as Jake,but I am hoping I am not called into the office for the youngest one wanting to burn the building down........well see.
All in all, I do not recommend staying at home, when they get older, say 6th grade and up. I am glad in some ways they were with me for the time they were young, but there comes a time they need to be able to interact with others and make their own lives. School helps them to single out talents and helps them decide what kind of career they may want.
I can't wait for next school year.........hehe. A little free time for mom , ya know.
i believe home school if taught with an active parent, i taught myself, is for the best up 2 grade 6.
Ambush don't let yourself be interrogated by Valis, a man who had no schooling at all.
Ambush it's also clear from your posts that you have a great sense of humour, what happened to your brother?
Is your last name Ambush Balmpot?
hi, ambush23, nice to meetcha!
*waves from a snowbank*
I wasn't home-schooled, but did a lot of self-educatin'. Happy to hear you're continuing to learn and grow. Don't be so hard on yerself, kay?
btw, here's a hug
Hi, ambush23! I'm looking forward to meeting you, hopefully at the Apostachilifest if not sooner.
Hey mangs and womangs. I was also homeschooled during my highschool years. It was something that *I* decided to do though. My family had just recieved a new addition, Alex my little brother, and both my parents were working full time. I decided that I would attend home schooling so I could be home at take care of my brother while both my parents worked.... we could not afford to do any differently financially. Well.... looking back I did miss out on alot of things. Thankfully though I was still able to play sports for the highschool, behind my parents back of course, and I had "friends" from the hall so I did not feel like I missed out on much. On the other hand though, I do think I missed out on important relationships that I could have built in that time. Perhaps people that would have supported my with my decision to leave the witnesses. On an intelectual level, I dont think it affected me much because as ambush was, I was also a book hound. I read everything I could get my hands on. Ohhh well, life goes on. If this is all one long paragraph, I apologize. Still working out the Linux kinks. Kansas District Overbeer