Do you feel that if there is a God that you will be damned or that you will have his favour?
Do you feel damned?
by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends
I feel 'grimly fiendlish' when I hear The Damned.
If there is a G*d, he should damn well ask for my favour.
He's been torturin' us for centuries .............
You know , in a strange way I feel that our very limited understanding of who god really is ( or what he is ) makes us feel damned or not. I think there is more to life than living on earth and that it is all a jouney of discovery. If my actions while on earth determine my favor with god then so be it...I take full responsibility.
Not from god, or whatever, but at times feel tormented/ashamed/bad. It's a flashback to childhood abuse.
Do I feel damned? I don't know if I should or not. Does God grade on a curve, and what is the cut-off score?
I don't feel damned or favored. Just kind of vague.
I believe in God and don't feel damned (yet).
Yeah I feel damned! I feel damned happy to be out of that damned cult!
lol elsewhere
Do I feel damned? Nope, despite breaking at one time or another just about every commandment in the Bible, I do not feel like God will judge me unworthy. I like to think if there is a God he is bigger than long as I treat other people well and live a good life, then he's going to overlook a few indiscretions on my part. lol if I in my imperfect human state can forgive others then surely Allmighty God can forgive me.
Wow I have come a long way from my guiltridden, I'll never be good enough days as a dub, huh?