Well, this kinda got to me ....

by Vivamus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    So, today I went looking for curtains and paint-colours for my new house. (I?m moving)

    And we ( my mum and me) enter this store that I have visited years ago, and liked. This lady comes up to help me, we are looking at samples, and all of a sudden ... god almighty, it had to happen ... A Jehovahs?s Witness steppes into the same space I am in. My mum said ?hi? he said ?hi? and naturally, so did I.

    Turns out, he bloody owns the place right now. And I explained ?OH God!?. To which he returned an ?indeed?. And then I said ?So that means I am not allowed to shop here??. And he said ?naturally you can shop here, you may spend tons of money here?.

    Sleeceball. He will take my money, but won?t have the curtesy to greet me in the street. I think not.

    I spend three hours of his employers time, to find and decide on *everything* colour wise, fabric wise, etc. I wrote it *all* down, and will *not* buy it there.

    I was however, polite enough to inquire whether his people worked on commision, they did not, so I didn?t mind it one bit, taking up there time. He is paying for it.

    Then, sheer horror, the place turned into bloody Jehovah-ville. 6 of ém came to visit the place, chitter-chatter among themselves, nicely ignoring me. I pretended to own the place meanwhile, asking for literally everything the shop had ... One of them btw, was my former best friend. She looked good, which makes me happy.

    I was a bit shaken when finally leaving, but have a nasty pleasure in the fact that I didn?t run away...


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Nosferatu

    One thing that I'm happy about is how much my looks have changed. I've fattened up a little, I grew my hair long, shaved off the moustache, wear glasses, and have a nice cross dangling from my ear. Noone from my hall recognizes me anymore. I remember when a slew of JWs, including my old Bible Study Conductor walked into my part-time job. I'd forgotten how flat his head was! He didn't recognize me, and neither did anyone else. I loved it!

  • shotgun


    Don't let them get to you, they're blinded by false religion.

    Are you excited about the move?

  • Xena

    I bet you looked good too Viv....which probably didn't make THEM happy

  • Eyebrow2

    yeah that would bug me too...I never really thought too much about that...really, if they wouldn't talk to you on the street, how dare they expect you to give them any business?

    good for you...that was very nice to make sure they weren't on commission...I would have felt bad for the sales peeps if they were too.

    I hope you added up the prices...take that with you with all the other info and say, hey this store would charge me this amount, would you be willing to give me a little discount if I bought it all here?

  • Scully

    Vivamus writes:

    I said ?So that means I am not allowed to shop here??. And he said ?naturally you can shop here, you may spend tons of money here?.

    Sleeceball. He will take my money, but won?t have the curtesy to greet me in the street. I think not.

    I spend three hours of his employers time, to find and decide on *everything* colour wise, fabric wise, etc. I wrote it *all* down, and will *not* buy it there.

    BRAVO!! <standing ovation>

    So you made him pay for his employee's time to serve you (instead of JW customers!! teehee!) and now you are taking your business to another establishment!! GOOD!!

    Turnabout is fair play. Do you suppose they'd do any different if it was you who owned the shop?

    Mr. Scully has had his own business for several years. Doing very well for himself too, I might add. In fact, he has established himself as an expert in his field and is at the top of his trade in our city. Every single time a JW that we know (who does not realize that it is him behind the company name) calls him for an estimate on his services, as soon as they find out his name, they change their mind, even if they have already arranged an appointment with him.

    These JWs would rather go to lesser qualified people and risk having a job poorly done, than go to the person who is recommended by their consultant as being top-of-the-line. If the exJW or Bad Association? label wasn't there, they'd want him to do the job for them. They are so pathetic, cutting off their nose to spite their face.

    Mr. Scully always tells them that we don't need their business, we do quite well without any JWs' money.

    Love, Scully

  • xjw_b12

    Viv. Any chance you get the products on credit, and not pay for them ! You know the donation policy!

  • Scully

    What's even funnier, is when these JWs (who "shunned" having Mr. Scully do jobs for them) end up having problems, they usually call back and try to avail themselves of his "expertise". Some have even tried to get him to serve as an expert witness in court. He always tells them that he's not interested in helping them... he says "I thought you weren't allowed to talk to me." <click>

  • itsallgoodnow

    at least you were in there ready to spend lots of money... they can eat their hearts out over it and can't say your life is sh&t because you left the "truth".

  • Vivamus

    Well, I am exited for the move, I am quite pleased with the color schedule I picked out, and already ordered a carpet and curtain ( at another store, naturally )

    Scully, thanx for the standing ovation, lol, that made me grin And bravo to Mr. Scully too, I like that attitude

    Thanx for the replies :smile: I'll be sure to post picts when I'm done (which is in three months or so, LOL)


    Blue Bubblegum Girl


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