There is a clear pattern/formula the GB uses in their articles and talks with any subject that does not meet with their approval:
First, they acknowledge the true freedom that we have.
Perhaps a person wishes to burn incense as a fragrance in his home simply to enjoy its pleasant aroma. (Proverbs 27:9)
Then they start to take away or limit that freedom by introducing DOUBT into the matter by raising a question of suspicion.
Even so, in deciding whether to burn incense, a Christian should consider certain factors. Would others in the area where you live associate the use of incense with a false religious practice? In your community, is incense often associated with spiritistic rituals? Or is it commonly used for nonreligious purposes?
THEN! They use FEAR and GUILT to steer the group to the conclusion the GB wants them to make!
If an individual chooses to burn incense, his decision should take into consideration both his own conscience and the feelings of others. (1 Corinthians 10:29)
Socially, they never help people grow beyond their currant level of maturity, respect or tolerance!!! Rather, they insist on manipulating the congregation to live the smallest life possible using their "What if" reasoning! UNLOVING and SHAMEFUL!!!!!!!!!