If you do what kind do you have ?do you take them to shows? We have a 1968 Dodge Charger,1969 RoadRunner and a 1970 Dodge Challenger. There is nothing like the old cars with the big motors and loud exhaust. KLS
Does anyone here collect classic cars?
by kls 23 Replies latest jw friends
We used to have a '69 Camaro Z-28.....candy apple red with black stripes. What an awesome car that was!! But my husband sold it years ago...before they really took off price-wise (naturally!).
I used to have a 68 cougar...purrrrrred!!!.Black, perfect inside and out. Bought it for 900 dollars...little old lady owned it and kept it in her garage...rarely drove it.
Boyfriend rolled it..:
How about classic 8-tracks that came with cars?
i used to be co-owner of a 1978 Porsche 924, one of the originals...it was cool, until the drug head riped it to peices.
Nosferatu, have plenty of 8 tracks and real vinyl records. I don't think that would count. If you don't have the car where would you stick the 8 tracks. lol
My husband has a '65 Dodge Panel truck that is currently withering away sitting on JW Mom's property. He had it running at one time - even drove it from CA to WI and back, but it needs some part that isn't made anymore and so it sits... and sits.... and sits.... and he won't part with it! Having a classic car, and having a classic car that actually runs are two different things! One day maybe he'll realize that!
I have a '59 Oldsmobile 4 door, black, auto-transmission, in 'fair condition'. It has sat in a machine shed on our farm since 1980. This puppy is FOR SALE ! I have no idea what to ask for it, but we're getting old and it would be nice to find this car a good home where it would be 'restored' and loved.
I am the second owner and it had only 10,000 miles on it when I got it from an estate, and (*thinking, thinking*) would guess that I put less than 50,000 on it. If anyone is interested, PM me.
Well, kls, you're right. There's no replacement for displacement.
I collect suicide door lincolns from the '60's. I've had three, now I just have a '62 hardtop, but it does'nt run.
My husband has a 62 Cadillac rotting out there in the driveway.... Dark blue. Anyone want it cheap, needs a lot of restoration!