This was a phrase spoken by a woman on ABC news tonight, re: the catholic sex abuse scandal. I love this phrase, especially when applied to the JW's and their spokesmen's regular denials that they had anything to do with the abuse. No, they did'nt order their members to molest children. But they certainly enabled it and covered it up. What do you think?
Its about the enablers, not the abuse It's about the coverups not the crime
by avishai 27 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Your right there is no excuse for covering it up...I still can't figure out why they seem to be able to weasel out of convictions...what do the courts want?
Lady Lee
Its about the enablers, not the abuse It's about the coverups not the crime
This definitely applies to how the WTS has chosen to deal with the child abuse issue.
They have on occasion tried to say it has nothing to do with them and we should be going after our abusers. But they knew - the people they put in charge knew and did everything in their power to cover it up instead of getting help for the victims and their families
amen, preach on reverend!
The thing that bothers me is they KNEW that there were these problems yet STUCK THEY'RE HEAD in the sand.
Combine that with how "rightcheous" they feel they are, by putting down the Catholic Church for they're handling of sex abuse cases, and it's shocking. Just shocking.
I think that they are just disgusting.
I remember reading all the time about how the Catholic Church covered up sex abuse cases, and thought how disgusting they were. I am one hundred times more angry at the Witnesses.
happy man
From the inside I can tell that this issu is wworking like a cancer, evrone now how it works, even if they shot high about evel lies, evry JW now that if something bad happends in the cong you must talk to the elders and theu nmust keep it very confidential.
If they say something els they lie.
I have talk to many peopel about this , and evryone say it must come a change, soner or later.
wuie from the inside
Love HM
Lady Lee
Thanks for that info Happy Man
There are far too many problems that have been silenced for people to actually believe that there are no problems
The Tipping Point
they will have their day
Thank you everyone for your comments. Talesin, they will.
Remember, everyone that almost all of the cases are still in the early stages, even the ones that started a few years ago. I've heard tell that people in the congs. have benn saying that "all the cases have been lost, Jehovahs name has been vindicated." This is premature. It's not about Jehovahs name anyway. He's a big boy, and can defend himself. It's about a bunch of old men in brooklyn wanting to have the appearance of a clean cong., while in reality they are "Shitting in their own back yard."
If the JW-robots are walking around saying, "Jehovah's name has been vindicated," they sure must not know their God very well. As if Jah is sitting in the heavens smiling because the WT-Machine is squashing abuse suvivors? I DON'T THINK SO! Grrrrrr at their idiocy.
Did you see that Catholic Cardinal being shown numerous times on TV news where he kept saying how SORRY HE WAS? I have to admit I was a wee-bit touched by that because I thought, 'Well, even though they are still getting their A**es sued, he is not above saying he is sorry.' I'm no fan of the catholic religion, but I give the guy five stars for facing TV cameras and apologizing for the despicable job he and his other 'leaders' have done in handling and covering up the abuses all these years. I mean, can you even IMAGINE the GB calling for a press conference and facing national news cameras and apologizing? No Way Jose'! Grits-The-Prophet predicts that catholic cardinal will be in paradise with Jesus and the GB will go the way of Judas...