Even though your girl is only 2 years old she will not be that way forever. If anything in this world is true, having an ex who is an uber-jdub is extremely frustrating. I have had good and bad results with a lawyer and without. Only you can determine how you want to proceed. Court is extremely expensive with a lawyer and at least moderately expensive w/out one.
The courts I have been in (wisconsin) do not give two shits about the religion, hers or yours. Do not make it about religion in the courts, simply make it about behaviors. For your girl, make sure you get AT LEAST 50/50 custody. When they are young that is what is most important. NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT then placement. Give her a normal life, friends, activities, holidays, sports and as she gets older the insane bubble world of the jdubs will become painfully obvious to her.
I have two young teens now. I got out when they were 5 and 3. You are going to be extremely frustrated for literally the next 16 years. Accept it and always remember that showing your daughter that a normal life is ok. It is more important than anything, your frustration especially. It is a long road but it is completely worth it. The lives my girls lead is awesome.... great friends, great grades, involved in school and sports, love the holidays and most importantly they ask questions and do not accept asinine reasoning.
Good luck, the fight is worth it.