Ozzie's Weekend Poll #85

by ozziepost 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G?day all,

    So how?s this weekend going for you? Strange things have been happening downunder. Remember how we ?talked? about our week of temps in the 40s (that?s on the celsius scale for you North Americans!!!)? Well, this week has been incredibly cold for this time of year. It?s the end of summer downunder. We?ve had temps down to the low 20s!!!! So we endured a drop of half the temperature guage almost overnight. Thankfully, we?re getting back to ?normal? now. Whatever that is, eh??!! Temps got quite warm again this afternoon and the mozzies are out (mosquitoes).

    So Mrs Ozzie and I went off to a favorite Asian restaurant for dinner. Unfortunately the Apostates Restaurant is being refurbished and remodelled. It?s going ?upmarket? and will be quite ?posh?. Dunno how that?ll affect the ex-dubs and the dubs too who all go there. Anyway we always enjoy meals from Asia ? and it?s healthy!!

    So, what?s the poll going to be about this weekend? How about those "privileges" we were invited to "reach out" for? So, this weekend?s poll question is:

    What were the most important qualifications for "privileges" in your congregation?

    1. Getting my hours in.
    2. Being at all the meetings.
    3. Reading my Bible daily.
    4. Volunteering to help the elders.
    5. Volunteering to clean the KH toilets.
    6. Volunteering to be an attendant.
    7. Volunteering for microphone duty.
    8. Making comments at every meeting.
    9. Being at all the meetings early.
    10. Inviting the elders round for a meal.
    11. Being related to the elders.
    12. Writing the Society with suggestions for improvement.
    13. Dress and grooming (you know what I mean!!!!)
    14. Other (please detail)

    So how?s your reminiscing? We?re looking forward to reading your responses.


    Cheers, Ozzie

  • smack



  • dustyb

    unfortunately meeting attendance is huge here. they took a lot of the KM for march seriously this year. we had one soley dedicated to meeting attendance, and as a matter of fact, they bent the scripture in hebrews to support mandatory meeting attendance.....

    i hate all these hypocrits. i skip meeting for a few months and my g/f blows up on me, but my g/f doesn't know that her own friend skips meeting every few weeks or so. what da f43k

  • Undecided

    Just to show you how well I've put all this out of my mind, I can't remember who the elders were except me as PO and my cousin, who later was disfellowshiped for being an alcoholic after I left. I think I must have done most of the work myself as I was the PO, ministry school servant, Watchtower Study conductor and don't remember what else.

    Ken P.

  • Scully

    What were the most important qualifications for "privileges" in your congregation?

    1. Getting my hours in. 10 hours per month seemed to be the acceptable minimum, from all members of the family who were Publishers?
    2. Being at all the meetings. Even better if you can host a Book Study and/or Field Service Arrangement(s) from your home.
    3. Reading my Bible daily. Over and above consideration of the Daily Text??
    4. Volunteering to help the elders. For the Brothers?, yes. For the Sisters?, not as much, but if you were friends with an elders wife, you didn't dare mention anything negative about your husband, because it would make its way back to the elders and hinder his opportunities.
    5. Volunteering to clean the KH toilets. Something Sisters? were vastly qualified to do.
    6. Volunteering to be an attendant. } By the time we left, you couldn't just volunteer for these
    7. Volunteering for microphone duty. } duties, you had to earn the Privilege?.
    8. Making comments at every meeting. even better if your study article had various colours of highlighters to mark answers!!
    9. Being at all the meetings early. Yes that showed you were Spiritual? (had no life).
    10. Inviting the elders round for a meal. Yes, but if you invited the poor and discouraged to a meal, you didn't appreciate Good Association?.
    11. Being related to the elders. Aside from kissing elder-arse, this was the best way to qualify, unless of course you were related to the CO or DO or someone at Bethel.
    12. Writing the Society with suggestions for improvement. This is definitely the fast-track to becoming an Apostate?.
    13. Dress and grooming (you know what I mean!!!!) Brothers?: No sideburns, no moustaches (unless you were French-Canadian or of Mediterranean descent), absolutely no beards; always in a proper suit and tie. If you wore a cardigan instead of a suit jacket, you were regarded with suspicion. Sisters?: skirts could not be too short or too long or too tight; blouses, sweaters could not have plunging necklines, nothing sleeveless, nothing too tight or too sheer, no pants at the KH (unless you were doing the gardening or cleaning), no pants in service (even in -40C weather). If you had children, you were expected to dress them in miniature business suits or fancy dresses.

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    What were the most important qualifications for "privileges" in your congregation?

    1. Getting my hours in.
    2. Being at all the meetings.
    3. Reading my Bible daily.
    4. Volunteering to help the elders.
    5. Volunteering to clean the KH toilets.
    6. Volunteering to be an attendant.
    7. Volunteering for microphone duty.
    8. Making comments at every meeting.
    9. Being at all the meetings early.
    10. Inviting the elders round for a meal.
    11. Being related to the elders.
    12. Writing the Society with suggestions for improvement.
    13. Dress and grooming (you know what I mean!!!!)
    14. Other (please detail)

    Not too much nepotism in my area, and sucking up was saved for when an elder wanted to give talks on the assembly. Some congregations were more culturally hip in the area of dress and grooming. I find that these "qualifications" are slipping by the wayside as there are fewer and fewer elders and they are desperate to find someone to do the "chores."


  • Thirdson

    A+. Being related to the elders.
    After that the rules apply differently

    If not related to an elder follow:

    Getting my hours in.

    1. Dress and grooming (Dress either left or right and if you can't you'll never, ever, ever, ever amount to anything)
    2. Being at all the meetings. (Be visible)
    3. Making comments at every meeting. (Be heard, down side #2.)
    4. Getting my hours in. (Or lying on your time card)
    5. Volunteering to help the elders. (Special activities good especially if it means skipping #4)
    6. Volunteering to be an attendant. (Requires #2 and #8.)
    7. Volunteering for microphone duty. (Be seen, helps #2. Extra point for commenting and having Bro. Mic #2 hold mic for you)
    8. Being at all the meetings early. (Only necessary if #6 applies)
    9. Inviting the elders round for a meal. (Don't poison them and serve plenty of wine)
    10. Volunteering to clean the KH toilets. (Not elder material, too humble)
    11. Reading my Bible daily. (What?)
    12. Writing the Society with suggestions for improvement. (Kiss of death)
    13. Other (please detail)


  • Aztec

    Being related to those already in positions of authority was the easiest way in most of the congregations I attended. Almost all of the men in my family were elders, ms's and my Grandfather was the PO. I'd say nepotism played a big role.


  • Gadget

    11. Being related to the elders.

  • Mulan

    In ours it had to be the time spent in "field service" and meeting attendance. That was always the mark of how well you were doing.

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