Crossing-over with John Edwards

by Waygooder64 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX

    I used to watch his show on the telly here in the states. I wanted to 'believe', but there was something about him that didn't quite ring true.

    After a bit of watching, I discovered it.

    He was supposedly talking to someone in the audience, and telling them that their 'dog' - their former pet - was okay and doing well in the 'beyond' - and being taken care of by one of the relatives who had also passed on.

    Ummm... dead pets? I dunno about that. I think that he was grasping at straws on that one.

    I believe that there is another ... 'dimension'... where folks go when they pass on... I just don't think that John Edwards is able to 'connect' with the people there.

    I figured that he may be 'in tune' with the folks in the audience that are 'pre-selected'... perhaps he _is_ able to 'hear' their thoughts or something. You have to remember... the folks on that show have been selected in advance - and so have already begun to 'think' about lost relatives who have passed on - and so their thoughts are in these areas when they are sitting in the audience. All he has to do is 'link' to them, and viola.

    Just my observations - after watching him for a while.

    He reminds me of a slick car-salesman.


    Jim TX

  • Sirona
    Well, why don't you tell us who some of these people who can talk to the dead are?

    Show us someone who is NOT a fluke, please.


    I know people who can and although I've had personal experience of spirits (including communication), I can't "switch it on" at will and talk to them.

    So what do you propose? I give you names and you somehow "test" the person?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    No, no, no, Sirona, testing is unneccessary.

    It's enough that a person says they can talk to the dead - who would lie about something like that?

  • RubaDub

    I'm sure if Edwards can "connect" with those in other dimensions, they too have informed him that he is going to lose all the states on Super Tuesday (2 March).

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Awwwwwwwww, plllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

    The only special power that guy has is the one to make the people believe whatever crock he's saying!

    I tell you, people want so desperately to believe and have closure that they'll make themselves believe anything, if only to look good on camera.

    Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Sirona


    Well, I'm not lying. So there are a couple of possibilities. I hallucinated something which I couldn't possibly have known which took place in the future (if that is the case then I'd like to know how I did that), or I thought I had the experience and I only thought it came true (strange because there were 2 other people involved who I told at the time and who saw the outcome weeks later). Or perhaps I did have the experience and I did communicate something which later came to fruition, now whether that was truly a spirit, I cannot be 100% sure, except that it presented itself as a spirit of a person I didn't yet know was dead (later to find they died 1/2 hour earlier).

    Things like that do happen, and it must wind you up no end that we won't back down to your suggestions that its all "lies".


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas
    " must wind you up no end that we won't back down to your suggestions that its all "lies".

    It doesn't wind me up, down or sideways.

    You were closest to an accurate description of what transpired when you said,

    perhaps I did have the experience and I did communicate something which later came to fruition, now whether that was truly a spirit, I cannot be 100% sure

    I don't know what experience you had, so I'll take your word that you had some kind of experience.

    What I fail to grasp is why it is so difficult for you to say, "something happened, and I don't know what it was, instead of saying, "I talk to dead people. I know they're dead people because they told me they are."

    Have you seen the movie, "A Beautiful Mind"? It's the story of a brilliant mathematician who also was schizophenic, and it does a pretty good job at communicating just how real a schizophenic's created world can be to them. Ultimately the story is tragic - and the real life story somewhat more tragic than the movie version - and I doubt that anyone would argue that John Nash was better off being schizophrenic.

    Now you can claim that I am saying you are schizophenic, even though I have not made any such claim, in the same way that you came up with your conviction that said it was "all lies" when I didn't actually say that.

    If your imaginary invisible dead friends ever start telling you to hurt yourself or hurt someone else, talk to a medical professional before you follow the dead person's advice, OK?

    ...and if your imaginary invisible dead friend should happen to give you any hot stock market tips, be sure to let me know.

  • Sirona

    As a student of psychology I can say that I'm aware of schizophrenia and its symptoms. A small number of "experiences" which were neither disturbing nor paranoid don't qualify. I think its a cheap shot that you suggest this to me.

    If your imaginary invisible dead friends ever start telling you to hurt yourself or hurt someone else, talk to a medical professional before you follow the dead person's advice, OK?

    That comment has just earned you the title of the one person on this board that I have EVER chosen to ignore from this point forward. It wasn't a suggestion to try and help me, it was a cheap dig and a suggestion that I'm just insane. Whilst I don't believe there should be stigma surrounding mental illness, I still resent your suggestion. There are many, many people here on this board who have had some sort of paranormal experience at one point or other, but who, despite this continue to live a normal life with no sign of mental illness. You display ignorance of what schizophrenia is, for a starter, and what experiences we're actually talking about. (and, have you never heard of imagination? oh no, thats right, it isn't "testable")

    Thats the last post I make to you. Not to be dramatic, you're just not worth my time or effort.


  • LittleToe

    The longer I go on reading stuff like this, the more convinced I become that there's an unwritten rule that the spirit world "must play mind games with people that don't want to believe" in it.

    On the one hand you have "believers" who have seen things with their own eyes, even when previously skeptical.
    On the other hand you have those who don't believe, and then start branding "believers" as deluded.

    I'm starting to care less and less about discussing stuff like this as, I suspect, is everyone else that's involved (including the "spirits", including "God", at another guess - maybe they don't want to be lab-rats, and get some kicks about playing hide-n-seek).

    Sure there are unknowns, and unexplainables, but how else are you going to describe a humanlike figure telling you stuff, later identified as someone recently deceased?
    Hmmm - I know - it must be an inexplicable phenomina that we should hush up and not talk about, because it might upset someones skeptical world view that the only things that exist are what they see.

    ~sheesh~ if it weren't so sad it'd be hilarious!

    Edited to add:
    I've seen the show and find it fascinating.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Suit yourself, Sirona.

    Do whatever your imaginary invisible dead friends tell you to do, and do not consult a medical professional first.

    I find it fascinating that you immediately flew to the conclusion I warned you against, and decided that I was making a "cheap dig" and a suggestion that you are just insane. That's got to be the craziest thing you've said yet.

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