"it's not you, it's me ..."

by talesin 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    'Wow, I just found out that I have contracted hepatitus B, and you need to get your shots right away!"

  • ball.

    I've just been told once again I'm "too nice". If I had a £1 for every time I've been told that LOL. I feel like saying to women, "I'm not nice, I'm really mean and NASTY!!!, please believe me, please!!!"

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I've always found that if you talk obsessively about famous serial killers, admiring their techniques, and grinning while explaining the maiming of the bodies, they seem to get "commitment anxiety." Not the serial killers... the guy you're trying to get rid of! LOL!


  • talesin


    tell 'em you wanna "talk about the relationship", it works just as well.

    (wait a minute, that's me we're talking about .... heheh)

    Steve L

    not a happy moment!


    a thought ... are you nice, or are you a carpet? many xJW have the 'need to please' (I did, big-time) If not, then start dating someone who loves herself - she will enjoy your niceness!


  • ball.

    I don't think I'm that nice,

    put it this way, I have a calming voice that has been known to attract the wrong kind of affections, ahem, from men, yes Gay men find me a turn on but I am definately straight, as straight as you can get.

  • talesin


    this whole loving of the bad boys annoys me - what is wrong with women??? I don't get it, and I'm sick of it, too

    I would like to say it's your problem, but it's not - sometimes women just don't know a good thing when they see it. They mistake flash for substance - well, I guess men are the same in their own way, now that I've said it.

    We are our own worst enemies.

    *shakes head, walks away contemplating the vagaries of human existence*


  • Sassy

    How about you are the perfect woman for me, but I am not the perfect man for you.

  • ball.

    Yeah, it's taken 10 years out of the org and to reach age 32 for me to find myself both financially secure and confident, and self assured, maturing in many senses, but women seem to be looking for something else. Oh and I guess I'm fairly attractive... after all, many men have told me that LOL LOL.

    I really have a cynical attitude that I am happy as I am, at the end of the day - only the best will do for me, good women don't grow on trees like I thought when I was growing up.

  • talesin


    another version of 'it's not you, it's me' - what a cop out - in other words, he's not worthy

    damn straight - with a line like that - you deserve better!


    good women don't grow on trees like I thought when I was growing up.
    ain't that the truth, like a lot of other things .......
  • Sassy

    thanks talesin

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