Then is Finished - The Mockery of God

by Farkel 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    In case you think you've heard it all, have you heard that the WTS has made the following claims:

    1. They and other holy angels are God's Wife, therefore the WTS elite is the "mother" of Christ himself.

    2. God needs a "Capital City" to run his "organization" and who make up that "Capital City?" The WTS elite, of course!

    3. They are also Christ's Wife (Incest! The "mother" of Christ is also his "wife!")

    4. They are Divine

    5. "The Christ" is not The Christ at all, but is Jesus AND the WTS elite.

    6. The Messiah (Deliverer from sin) is not Christ alone, but Christ AND the WTS elite.

    Note these claims from the WT 5/1/57, p. 275 and hopefully gain some more insights into the convoluted, narcicisstic and basically wacky mind of Fred Franz. Franz would stop at nothing to drill into his worshipers the all encompassing concept of "organization," even insisting that Jehovah God Himself needed one, or he couldn't function properly:

    "But since these children of Zion above have a heavenly destiny to reign with Christ, they also become a part of the universal organization that is God's wife, and will, with Christ, form the capital city of that organization. So God's woman, Zion or Jerusalem above, is his universal organization, with one hundred forty-four thousand and one of her members or children eventually forming the capital city like a man-child government...

    "Zion's 144,000 spiritual children are brought forth to become a part of the universal organization and at the same time its capital with Jesus Christ.

    Note that the WTS elite are not just content with being a "part" of that Universal Organization, God's Woman, but place themselves as the "Capital city" of that organization.

    The article also states this:

    "(the Apostle Paul stated) The Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother." (Gal. 4:26, NW)
    "Then he quotes part of a prophecy in Isaiah. Turning to this prophecy in the fifty-fourth chapter of Isaiah we learn from the context the identity of this one called "our mother." Verses five and six (AS) read:

    'Thy Maker is thy husband; Jehovah of hosts is his name: and the Holy One of Israel is thy Redeemer; . . . For Jehovah hath called thee as a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit.' In this way Paul identifies Jehovah's wife as His invisible universal organization, the mother of Christ and of his joint heirs."

    Part of God's "Wife" = the WTS elite
    The "Bride of Christ" = the WTS elite

    Christ's "Bride" therefore, is also his mother, and since Christ is the "son" of and belongs as part of God's wife, he's also his own father! Hmmmmmmm.

    Now, let's turn our attention to another wacky WTS leader, who wasn't obsessed with the notion of "organization," but rather on being Divine himself. I'm talking about Chuck Russell.

    Most of you are familiar with the book, "Then is Finished The Mystery of God," written by Fred Franz. But since the only mystery about that book was what-in-the-hell-it-was-actually-trying-to-say, how many of you are aware of the WTS "Mystery Doctrine?" I wasn't until I picked up the book "The Four Watchtower Presidents" which was written anonymously (by a dub with too much to lose by revealing himself) and edited by Edmond C. Gruss.

    In a nutshell, this doctrine states that "The Christ" is a CLASS, which is comprised of Jesus AND the WTS elite. As I've stated many times in the past, in order to accept Watchtower doctrine, you have to be convinced that God intended the Bible not to mean what it says. In order to properly understand it, you must accept the words of people who have a 100% track record of prophetic failure, double talk, lies, coverups and revisionist history. Or at the very least, you must be on serious drugs.


    "...the promised Messiah, the Deliverer of the world from the bondage of sin and death--the Restorer, the great Prophet, Priest and NOT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ALONE, (caps mine) but also with him and under him as its head, the entire church of God--the faithful in Christ Jesus--the 'little flock'... Watch Tower Reprints, May 15, 1903, 3192

    It's such a comfort to find out that the WTS elite are responsible to have redeemed the sins of man. Yeah, right. The WTS elite are absolutely unwilling to even give Christ exclusive credit for that, preferring to take even that away from Him and shamelessly sharing in the credit.

    "It has also been shown from time to time that the Christ of scripture is a complex being, presented to our minds by the figure of a man-Head and of the one body; --Jesus Himself being the Head and believers being the many members of the one body." Watch Tower Reprints, November 1880, 160.

    "The Church was to be the messianic Body, which under its anointed head, Jesus, shall rule and bless the world. This mystery, or secret, now revealed to the saints, was kept hidden from past ages..." - The New Creation, C.T. Russell

    "This Christ is composed of many members...When The Messiah is complete, The Christ will be complete. Watch Tower Reprints, June 15, 1911, 4841

    Poor Christ. He's just not "complete" without the mighty WTS elite!

    "'The Anointed' are the Christ." - Russell's sermon, "The Great Anointed One," Convention Reports Sermons, 460

    "'The mystery' is the Christ, the anointed class--Jesus the head and his body members." - "The Harp of God", p. 323, J.F. Rutherford

    "The Christ, Head and body, are, therefore, the Mediator for the world in a prospective sense--in the same sense as Jesus, the Babe, could be spoken of as the Saviour and the King." - Watch Tower Reprints, July 15, 1916, 5928.

    "The saints who are to be associated with Jesus during his reign are likewise called "saviours." -- Watchtwer, December 15, 1927, 381

    Isn't it lovely to find out that our "saviours" are the gang-that-couldn't-shoot straight? They couldn't even hit a whale in a bucket. Pfloooooot!

    This "mystery doctrine" of claiming that "The Christ" is a composite, reminds me of this verse:

    "For many will come on the basis of my name, saying "I am the Christ, and will mislead many." Matt 24:5

    We've just seen that that is EXACTLY what the WTS has done, and is doing.

    From this verse it is clear that anyone claiming to be the Christ (or by any ANY PART of the Christ) other than Christ himself, are LIARS.

    "Our calling is so great, so much above the comprehension of men...not any longer human, but partakers of the divine nature."...We are divine beings, hence all such are Gods..." - Watch Tower Reprints, December 1881, 301.

    Yet, the Bible itself says:

    "At this the serpent said to the woman: "You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad." - Gen 3:4,5.

    The first and most dangerous step the Bible tells us that man took: to try to be like God. From what happened in that story to all of mankind, we can certainly see what God thinks of such a thing: mankind got screwed. The WTS elite continues on in that fine tradition of screwing men, women and children.

    "For even though there are those who are called "gods," whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many "gods" and many "lords," 6 there is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him." 1 Cor 8:5

    We've also seen that the WTS has claimed that they are Divine while still here on earth and as rulers in heaven WILL be Gods.

    As such "Christs" and "Gods," they've been wrong on EVERY ONE of their predictions, yet their unbelievable arrogance causes them to continue to demand to be worshipped by their membership.

    Or else.


  • ball.

    What if the "mystery" was that the whole thing was based on someone trying to get rich. Wow - what a mystery! The light can only get brighter every step of the way from that perspective.

  • heathen

    Farkel -- If the WTBTS is the christ then you are clearly the anti christ . The deemonz have cleary had their way with you . You should immediately sing some kingdom ministry tunes , let me help you here , we're jehovahs witnesses ......

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Farkel,

    I'm glad to see you tackled the issue of the Watchtower "Mystery." I bought my copy of "The Four..." mainly because my curiousity was piqued by the mention of "the mystery" - something that I don't recall hearing much about during my 20 years or so in the Borg... or maybe my rational bullshit detector was working and simply protected me from "the mystery."

    Your discussion of the issue is better than any I could have done, and I am in full harmony with your comment,

    "in order to accept Watchtower doctrine, you have to be convinced that God intended the Bible not to mean what it says. In order to properly understand it, you must accept the words of people who have a 100% track record of prophetic failure, double talk, lies, coverups and revisionist history."

    I remember when "Then is Finished the Mystery of God" was studied on Tuesdays. In retrospect, it rather surprises me that we could have gone through that entire book without ever obtaining a clear and concise description of what exactly that "Mystery of God" was supposed to have been. And since the question wasn't printed at the bottom of the page, none of us dared think to ask it.

    Thanks, Farkel.

  • FirstInLine

    They are also the "Two Witnesses" of Revelation who can smote their enemies with fire.

    They are also the "Locusts" from the smokey firey abyss of Revelation that sting all the men of the earth without the seal of God in their forehead and the torment is so fierce all the men of the earth shall surley seek death but by no means find in those 5 months of torture by the "Locusts"

  • heathen

    yep that's right firstinline . They say the scorpion tailed locusts refer to the anointed who have publications with a stinging message . I think they view themselves as the body of christ in comparison to the scripture where jesus said," where the carcass is the eagles gather." I think the same can be said for all religions with a clergy class tho. They all think they have some sort of anointing that only a few chosen ones have the responsibility to preach a message to everybody else.

  • gumby

    Since it is strongly believed by many, that the epistles were gnostic in content, and that those writers didn't believe in a literal earthly Jesus......I can see how ANYBODY could become wacko in trying to literalize something that never was believed to be taken as physical and literal.....including Fred Franz. Ask 10 different pastors from christendom and see how they translate those scriptures and see if they make any more sense than he did.



    I wasn't doggin your post was good! I was mearly showing the fallacy of the christian explanations of the bible scriptures.They don't make sense no matter WHO tries to explain them.

  • notperfectyet

    I am only here to agree with Farkel......and to say Holy mother o...uh I meant Hi ! Firstinline!

    "Forgive me Father for I have sinned, I have l lusted after a male youner than me.amen"

    Does your name mean ' First in line for the hoagies or the new releases?' It matters.

  • cruzanheart

    I hereby declare Farkel the holy and anointed FDS. Thank you, Oh Great One, for our Food At The Proper Time.

    Seriously, though, you made some very good points in your thread. I am amazed and more than a little ashamed at how many lies there were in what I was absorbing every week at the meetings and what I accepted as direct from God.


  • Farkel

    Nathan, et. al.

    Thank you for your kind comments.

    I was overwhelmed with the documentation presented on the "mystery" doctrine. It was hard to pick from and make an article from among the HUGE list of quotations I read.

    But, among ALL of them, the WTS elite put themselves squarely at the top of the "spiritual" food chain, and even ABOVE Jesus Christ and on a par with Jehoveh Himself.

    It is utterly amazing that these humans can claim this, let alone get away with claiming this.

    They have brutalized their membership into believing ANYTHING they say, no matter how outrageous it is.


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