Still don't understand

by Yerusalyim 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    How can the Witnesses claim Jesus returned in 1914 when the bible makes it clear in Matt 24 that no one will have to tell us, we will KNOW, just as lightening can be seen streaking across the sky, and all can see it, so will his return be. Followed by ACTS which tells us that just as Jesus was taken up in Glory so he shall return.

    ANY JW's wanna do this one?


    I like peanut butter, can you rollerskate?

  • Fredhall

    And you will never understand.

  • Yerusalyim

    I will never understand because it makes absolutely NO SENSE. You don't understand it either, you just blindly accept the dictates of the old guys in Brooklyn, sad, truly sad.


    I like peanut butter, can you rollerskate?

  • Fredhall

    The reason why things don't make sence to you is because Jehovah is not opening mind.

  • Yerusalyim

    Or because the Lord has opened my mind, but closed yours. What's wrong Fred, can't you explain it? Obviously not.


    I like peanut butter, can you rollerskate?

  • Fredhall

    Why should I expain it when you don't listen?

  • VeniceIT

    Do you belive Jesus when he says in Matt 28 that ALL power and authority was given him ??

    THEN, what was left to give him in 1914???


  • outnfree


    All I can say is that WT teaching on this has been given "new light" over the past several years that have it sounding more and more like traditional Christendom's view of the matter. That Jesus' return (as opposed to his 'presence'/parousia will be evident to all and THEN the judgment of goats and sheep will take place.

    This is a question I had after my last WT Study which I brought up in the last elders' meeting I attended. It was due to the way they treated my sincere questions, etc., and the misapplication (IMO)of texts relating to this that I came to the conclusion that I would never be comfortable again inside the Organization. I decided later that same day to let my DA request stand.

    Good luck to any JW who tries to explain incorporating the "new light"! LOL Because it doesn't make sense!


  • Yerusalyim


    That's just it, I would listen if you could explain it.

    I like peanut butter, can you rollerskate?

  • Jigrigger

    Yeru, predicting dates seems to be a common denominator that religious leaders share. It is one of the main if not most important tools that are used to gather and control a following. It's not just limited to JWs. If you look at the origins of other movements, such as the LDS or the SDA (which both have similarities to JW) you will find that the founders successfully portrayed themselves as having the God-ordained power to come up with SPECIFIC DATES, and this is what provided the main impetus for these movements. (You know, sense of urgency etc.)
    I think the conflict arises because things like date predictions and doctrines unique to their own respective denominations become part of the gospel message they are made obliged to spread.
    In reality though, very little of what constitutes the body of doctrine of a sect like JWs, for instance, has much to do with the actual gospel.


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