Do you still believe in death's unconsciousness? Do you think we must live on somewhere, somehow?
What Do You Think Happens when YOU Die?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
new light
I have absolutely no idea.
I'm not sure, but my theory is that if we have matured enough, we "hatch" into the next phase of existence. Become an angel, for lack of a better word. And progress on up the ladder from there.
I think our soul is the collection of all the things our spirit has done as it evolved from non-aware life, through successive reincarnations, into spiritually more complex beings.
That's why some animals seem to have more awareness than others - they are more mature souls.
For those who fail to mature properly, they might develop into more unpleasant creatures - like demons. Or perhaps they are sent back "down the ladder" or go around and around again as a human until they learn to behave properly.
I have no proof, of course, it's just a sifting of world religions. Jonathon Livingstone Seagull.
I want to believe there is more after death, but I just don't know and might never know, unless there is life after death. I think it's one of those things we can't really know.
What do you think, Mini?
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play penocle on your snout!
i will probably wind up somewhere i never wanted or needed to be, kind of like the way i came into this world.
I believe we "sleep" but I'm not convinced that we can'y go beyond the sleep into a different "life".
One thing I am 100% certain of -- I am not going to burn or be tormented in a hell fire -- no matter what born-again christians or others think
The Bible talks many times about "Eternal Life" or "Everlasting Life", so that means even though our earthly shell (body) dies, our spirit will go on living. Your spirit is the REAL YOU, just housed in a fleshly body on this earth. Where you will spend eternity depends on you and the choices you make. Death is just a "cross-over" and not to be feared IF you know where you're going. God did not create each and every one of us just to become worm food when we die, and nothing more. Each person's life is God-given and it is ETERNAL. Our earthy life is just a FRACTION of it. Each person's life has a PURPOSE, and each person is born for a reason.