What is the next Book Study Book?

by codeblue 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 95stormfront

    My wife, the very infrequent meeting attendee', was studying a chapter out of this book on the phone with her mom last night. The chapter has something to do with the proper view of marriage or something like that. I couldn't believe all the scriptures I heard being used out of context and warped to fit whatever the paragraph was about. Incredibly that I used to believe in all that crap.

  • itsallgoodnow

    oh, goody! can't wait to get started zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz (that's me falling asleep already)

  • DIM

    I remember when we studied the Isaiah and Ezekial books, my wife and I would be looking at each other...truly bizarre books, it was as if everyone was on acid eating those silly explanations up....we would always have good conversations on the way home about silly it was.

  • OHappyDay

    Maybe the "Sister" has studied Draw Close to Jehovah on her own and this will be "again" for her, but this is the first time the book is being used at the Congregation Book Study.

    Now, Jehovah's Witnesses will say that we are always studying the Bible, regardless of book used as an aid. As the Ethiopian eunuch asked of Phillip the Evangelist, "How could I understand [the Bible, in this case, a passage from Isaiah], unless someone guided me?"

    IMHO, this book is one of the better ones.

  • RubaDub

    Personally, I have found the "Draw Close to Jehovah" to be one of the better books for the weekly study.

    The occasional "Isaiah Book" studies I went to were tough to sit through.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • new light
    new light

    The Isaiah book was wonderful. It was so enlightening to rehash the same ideas every week.

    "OK, OK, I get it already!! The anointed are God's chosen people. Jesus words apply only to them. I'm just grateful to be tagging along. I am truly privileged to be grabbing the skirt of a Jew. This is spiritual paradise. I know nothing and have no chance of doing anything worthwhile unless I follow the Governing Body. Isaiah was really writing about them in 740 B.C. Phew! It's a good thing I made it here before God destroys everyone who thinks otherwise!!!"

  • ozziepost
    Now, Jehovah's Witnesses will say that we are always studying the Bible, regardless of book used as an aid. As the Ethiopian eunuch asked of Phillip the Evangelist, "How could I understand [the Bible, in this case, a passage from Isaiah], unless someone guided me?"

    Yet for the past few years Mrs Ozzie and I have attended 'group studies' that use nothing but the Bible. Strange that the WTS can't trust its flock to use the Bible alone - but in history, isn't that what the Catholic Church did? It was scared stiff its membership would find the real truth by reading the Bible so it banned it. That seems to be the same reasoning of the WTS, they're scared the R&F will learn the truth about "The Troof".

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • new light
    new light

    so true, ozziepost. I was recently "encouraged" to rejoin the ranks. My friend said "read the WT and the other literature" I replied "What about the Bible?" He just looked at me blankly. True Christians, huh?

  • BluesBrother

    See if my scanning works? I started to read it once because it looked a good discussion about God. I gave up . It just seemed so repetitive and simplistic . Those who hate "Deep" material will probably love it

  • blondie

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