Are Posters Deleted Forever?

by Simon 223 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Englishman

    Just to re-affirm:

    We also decided that we were not going to re-hash the reasons for a posters having been deleted in the first place. It is generally felt that any apologies that might have been due at one time have been more than nullified by the many things that have been posted about the administration or forum assistants by many of those persons. For this reason we do not intend to get into an interminable "But you said so I said" discussion.


  • Xena

    So if they want to be reinstated as a poster all they have to do is send an email stating quite simply "I would like to post on JWD again and agree to abide by the guidelines" and they will be allowed back in? No questions asked? No delving to determine true repentance? No trying to determine intent prior to allowing them back on?

    Because if that is all it is than yes it is quite simple and there is no "losing of face" so to speak. However if it is something other than that....then I can understand the reluctance to accept the "olive branch".

  • LittleToe

    LOL - I can't believe this thread made eleven pages!!!

  • onacruse


    So if they want to be reinstated as a poster all they have to do is send an email stating quite simply "I would like to post on JWD again and agree to abide by the guidelines" and they will be allowed back in? No questions asked? No delving to determine true repentance? No trying to determine intent prior to allowing them back on?

    Within the parameters of the broad and inclusive democratic decision-making process that has been long on-going here on JWD, yes! it's just that simple.


  • onacruse

    Ross, I think this whole issue touches a very sensitive nerve with most of us...I know it does with me. And I've had to re-visit my own thoughts on this matter times beyond counting, and still struggle with it, daily.

    Some people seem to think that all people in 'authority' are simply intent on massaging their own egos.

  • Abaddon

    Eleven simple rules?

    Hmmmm... well, at least one is as much a conveniance for mods as it is a protection for posters, but that's not the point.

    My point was that there are two outcomes from letting people who ask to come back no matter what their previous record is like, asasuming that future mod calls are reasonable and fair.

    One is that they integrate with the community.

    The other is that they themselves revalidate the original mod call.

    It's not about whether asking to come back is kissing ass; I stated clearly that some of them regard it as such, and that is a fact, whether you agree with them or not Englishman. I thought the point that there wasn't agreement on that was so obvious as to not need underlining

    Nor is it about whether a group has a right to control its memberships onacruise, I never implied otherwise.

  • Simon
    I stated clearly that some of them regard it as such, and that is a fact, whether you agree with them or not Englishman.

    Then the problem is theirs, not ours. We can't speak on their behalf so whatever problems they have with things would need to be discussed with them. As we said, we are happy to discuss things but if people want to play games, send insulting emails and simply fish for snippets from our replies to share and post elsewhere then I think they are demonstrating already that they have no wish to do anything but keep animosity going.

    We have announced and explained things as best we can. It's not complicated and there is no need to make it into something that it isn't.

    All that we ask is that people who use the site agree to abide by the rules. The irony is of course that many of the people concerned had already created fake and duplicate accounts so have been quite capable and willing to abide by the rules when it suits them.

  • Englishman
    The other is that they themselves revalidate the original mod call

    I've been booted off a couple of forums and later allowed back on. I chose to go back on one and told the other to go whistle. No way do you want to go back and challenge the original decision if you want to put the matter behind you.

    If you can't put the matter behind you then don't go back to that forum. You'll only piss everyone else off if you do, as well as the admin and mods.

    Some things we have to live with, including feeling unfairly deleted. Some of the mods here will have to live with the fact that many deleted posters have said appalling and untrue things about them, yet those same mods are willing to give deleted posters another shot despite that.

    To my mind, if we are willing to draw a line under certain events, then so must the posters who want to return.


  • Abaddon
    The irony is of course that many of the people concerned had already created fake and duplicate accounts so have been quite capable and willing to abide by the rules when it suits them.

    I don't know about irony, but I do find that aspect funny. On one hand it's "I am a free spirit, I fart in the general direction of your posting guidelines, JWD is <insert adjective here>". On the other hand it is "I observe your rules and regularly come here".

    Of course, I've always wondered by the big deal about being deactivated. Unless you are IP barred (depends on your connection) or domain barred (clumsy webmastering), then you can simply re-register with no attempt at concealment of identity. If you're blocked, then do it from work/a cybercafe/a friends PC.

    For some reason the old instincts of obeying someone else's rules hold true even amongst self-identified individualists (not that individualism is bad, it is very very good, but people who identify themselves as such seem much like the people who introduce themselves as 'Crazy <insert name> or some-such. The need to proclaim their craziness seems to underline something about the nature of their craziness).

    But enough of cod psychology on my part.

  • onacruse

    Abaddon, I find your last "cod psychology" observations most compelling.

    The games people play makes one wonder "why do they like those games?"

    But, insofar as "Internet games" are screen-name is the same on every board I've ever joined. And I'm registered on just one board that I've never posted on, and never will.

    I've never posted under any other name, nor even attempted to register an account under any other name.

    That's just how I choose to live my own life.


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