Dead Wings...Judas Hull should get an Oscar for best diving...
Academy Awards
by SpunkyChick 14 Replies latest jw friends
I was also very pleased that the gals looked like movie stars rather than porn star rejects! <grin> The "glamorous" look was IN! Nice to see.
I got a kick out of Robin Williams and that tugging on his jacket--talking about the "5-second deeelllaaayyy"--he's SO funny!
I was also happy that Charlize Theron got the Oscar.....I think she's terrific. Glad about Sean Penn too--I never much cared for him as an actor before, but he was excellent in "Mystic River"...
And I managed to stay awake for the entire show! LOL!
Badger, you nitwit...LOL!
It was great! I loved all the gamorous dresses! And it was funny when all four "Hobbits" were standing up on the stage. They were all the SAME height......and so cute!!
all four "Hobbits" were standing up on the stage. They were all the SAME height......and so cute!!
lol, yeah! That was funny. What was up with Liv's dorky glasses? I'm happy Charlize won too, but did anyone else notice she was missing eyebrows?