3 "Christian" Role Models

by Farkel 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Farkel

    Many dubs and even ex-dubs consider Charles Dazed Russell to have been a sincere, tolerant and kindly man.

    He wasn't.

    Note what Justice Orlady of the Superior Court in Russell v. Russell, dated October 19, 1908 stated in Chuck and Maria's divorce proceeding:

    "After a careful review of the 150 pages of testimony in this case, we are satisfied that the verdict was fully warranted,and was rightly sustained by refusing the defendant's motion..."

    (Chuck had previously attempted to dispute Maria's charges of cruel and domineering behavior towards her.)

    "His course of conduct towards his wife evidenced such insistent egotism and extravagant self-praise that it would be manifest to the jury that his conduct towards her was one of continual arrogant domination, that would necessarily reder the life of any sensitive Christian woman a burden and make her condition intolerable. The indignities offered to her in treating her as a menial in the presence of servants, intimating that she was of unsound mind, and that she was under the influence of designing and wicked persons fully warranted her withdrawal from his house, and justified her fear that he intended to further humiliate her by a threat to resort to legal proceedings to test her sanity. There is not a syllable in the testimony to justify his repeated aspersions on her character or her mental condition, nor does he intimate in any way that there was any cause for difference between them, other than that she did not agree with him in his views of life and methods of conducting their business. He says himself that she is a woman of high intellectual qualities and of perfect moral character. While he denied, in a general way, that he attempted to belittle his wife as she claimed, the general effect of his testimony is a strong confirmation of her allegations." - Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports, vol. 37 Russell v. Russell, 350, 352

    So much for the much vaunted "humility" the WTS said he displayed. He even used "Jehovah's" own Watch Tower magazine to plead his version of the story.

    Chuck never consummated his marriage with Maria. Maria stated he told her AFTER they were married that their marriage would not be consummated. Chuck denied this. He refused to pay his Court-awarded alimony of forty dollars a month, forcing her to rent rooms to survive. Romans 13:1, Chuckie boy: Romans 13:1. When the Court finally ordered him to pay her $9,000, he got his followers to pay the tab, even though he had a considerable fortune in his little Watch Tower Empire.

    Da Judge Rutherford separated from his own wife Mary decades before his death, and never had anything to do with their son, Malcolm. Neither Mary nor Malcom attended his funeral, either. That speaks volumes about what they thought of him. Some example of a Christian husband, huh?

    Nathan Horror Knorr never consummated his marriage with Audrey. She quickly married after he died from braindeadness. I wonder why.

    From among all the people in the world, these were Jehovah's hand-picked leaders to set the moral examples and define all the doctrines for His one, and only "true religion(tm)."


  • imallgrowedup
    Nathan Horror Knorr never consummated his marriage with Audrey

    He never consummated his marriage? You're kidding! She should have had that arrangement annulled after about the first week!

    *shaking head in disbelief*


  • Gopher

    1 Corinthians 7:3

    Let the husband render to his wife her due, but let the wife do likewise also to her husband.

    But maybe Chuckie, Boozer and Nate were following this verse instead -- 1 Corinthians 7:29

    The time left is reduced. Hence let those who have wives be as though they had none.

    Since the end is always near for Watchtower leaders, there's not enough time and energy to do something so "trivial" as consummating a marriage.

    They treated their wives like dogs, and yet sought admiration from their blind followers.

  • BluesBrother
    Nathan Horror Knorr never consummated his marriage with Audrey

    Either you are joking, or can you prove that ?

  • Farkel


    No, I'm not joking. A former district overseer told me that Audrey herself revealed that fact to him.


  • blondie

    Makes you wonder what the advantage was in getting married, for Knorr that is. He didn't need someone to clean the house, do the laundry or cook the meals.


  • Sunspot

    ***Makes you wonder what the advantage was in getting married, for Knorr that is. He didn't need someone to clean the house, do the laundry or cook the meals. ***

    Funny, I thought the same thing!

    Things that make you go hmmmmmmm!



  • Farkel

    : Makes you wonder what the advantage was in getting married, for Knorr that is.

    Knorr was obsessed with sex. He endlessly lectured Bethel members on the evils of masturbation, even telling the males how urinate without touching "it."

    Some in Bethel related they thought Knorr might have had homosexual tendencies and married to quell rumors about him.

    There wasn't one Watchtower President who had anywhere near a healthy view about sex. When it was discovered that a high ranking elder had molested a little girl, a Governing Body member blamed the girl! As I recall she was around 8 years old at the time. The GB member said that girl had no right to sit on his lap and move in such a way that he became stimulated and "forced" him to do what he did; that girl had NO RIGHT to ruin his reputation like that.

    Sick, sick sick.


  • bebu
    There wasn't one Watchtower President who had anywhere near a healthy view about sex. When it was discovered that a high ranking elder had molested a little girl, a Governing Body member blamed the girl! As I recall she was around 8 years old at the time. The GB member said that girl had no right to sit on his lap and move in such a way that he became stimulated and "forced" him to do what he did; that girl had NO RIGHT to ruin his reputation like that.

    I am assuming that this is grapevine info, and not put into print anywhere.

    If you know where references to these comments could be found, if such comments were put in print anywhere, could you put them here?



    (Who doesn't doubt the veracity of these comments, btw)

  • ThiChi


    Thanks. What is up with the Pyramid at Russell's grave site? I have heard so many explanations, what say you?

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