Memorial Question I Never Have Had Answered ???

by RubaDub 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    Having been in the borg my entire life (now over 40), I never got a good answer to why the Memorial could not be "celebrated" in the afternoon.

    Remember, the Jewish "day" runs from sunset to sunset. And 2 out of every 7 years, Nisan 14 falls on a Friday or Saturday. So in many cities where three or more congregations share the same building, they end up renting a building for some of the congregations since generally they can only have two congregations using it in one evening.

    My question is, when Nisan 14 falls on a Friday or Saturday, why not have one or more Celebrations the following afternoon, either Saturday or Sunday ??? It would still be Nisan 14. Plus, there wouldn't be such a rush to push everyone out of the building and parking lot to get the next group in.

    I have asked this question many times and never got a good answer.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    For any group commemorating a significant event with emotionally evocative value for the rank-and-file, it makes sense to focus on one night and one set of preparations.

    The operational efficiency gained by your suggestion would be offset by the diluted effect of the fractured shindig on the publishers.

  • Nosferatu

    They think they're just as good as the disciples holding it at (or around) the same time as they did.

  • minimus

    Jesus did it an night so "true Christians" must "do it at night".

  • gitasatsangha

    so they will have full aural powers from the moon deity.

  • RunningMan

    It was during the passover meal that Jebus told his followers, "keep doing this in remembrance of me." As I understand it, the passover meal is eaten at night, after sundown. If your elders were on their toes, they would know that.

    But, here's a better question. Jesus' instructions were to keep the celebration until he returns. If he has been "present" since 1914, then why are we still holding the memorial?

    But, it's really just superstition.

  • Sunspot

    ***Jesus' instructions were to keep the celebration until he returns. If he has been "present" since 1914, then why are we still holding the memorial?***

    Running Man,

    I DID ask this question when I was a Dub!

    The answer the Elder gave me was because Jesus hadn't subdued the earth and presented it back to his Father yet!

    I'm NOT kidding, either! (Just one of many questions I had that when I GOT an answer---it STILL didn't make any sense! LOL!)



  • Scully

    When I was little, we usually started our Memorial about half an hour before the sun was due to set in the evening. By the time the Memorial was over and everyone was ready to make their way home, every single year we made it a custom to look at the moon and make sure it was full.

    I guess if you're observing the Memorial based on the Jewish timetable, there's no reason why it couldn't be done between sundown and sundown Nisan 14. But then again, we're dealing with the WTS. When has reason ever had anything to do with any of their edicts?

    Love, Scully

  • gumby
    But, here's a better question. Jesus' instructions were to keep the celebration until he returns. If he has been "present" since 1914, then why are we still holding the memorial?

    Because he hasn't "came" yet.....he has only "arrived". If you were on your would have known that.Jesus also said he would eat the meal with them in his kingdom. Untill he actually shows up......they have to eat it on earth without him till they croak.


  • TD

    Good questions

    I've also never understood why they insist on celebrating it on the evening of the 13/14 instead of the evening of the 14/15. The OT and the synoptics seem quite clear that the latter evening is the correct one.

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